I hate debates

BrandonScottPilcher's avatar
As an avid Internet user, I encounter ignorant and uneducated opinions on a daily basis. Lies, misinformation, and other falsehoods saturate the web and other media and it upsets me, especially if the untruths in question have hurtful effects on society or the world. Unfortunately I have found that arguing with the people who accept or perpetrate such mythology is fruitless. Even if I have all the facts on my side, I can never win because my opponents never change their mind. Attempting to reason with them is a waste of energy. On the other hand, I don't have the heart to simply sit back and let liars and ignoramuses get away with misleading everyone else; someone has to call them out on their bullshit. If I can't debate with them, what can I do? I feel really powerless.
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IdNiDveifencetum's avatar
But I think that if you see that something is terribly wrong, since you're already there, you're entitled to do everything you can to correct it. Even if it's so tiresome and fruitless, if you try, then you've done a great job. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. There are times when you have to lose in order to win. There are times when you feel you've lost but in actually you've actually won. There are times when they make it appear as if you've lost just to cover up the fact of your victory.

If you keep standing up for the right, you will never get lost.
IdNiDveifencetum's avatar

Though evil might appear to be the most powerful, good is ALWAYS the one who will win.

We all share the same thoughts with you. But what about strengthening your arguments?
karorawro's avatar
You feel powerless because you are. We all are.
hippo-rim-job's avatar
The secret is to not care about winning.
KingStephenArthur's avatar
people don't like to be wrong, when they are it does not make them feel good, lol. so people will continue to support an invalid argument in order to avoid the feelings that come along with being "wrong"

when this occurs in an argument I usually say something like: "why don't you take this opportunity to learn and become smarter instead of defending an invalid argument" then I leave.
MasterSaruwatari's avatar
there are a lot people that like to make claims without any evidence.
Pakaku's avatar
Your issue is that you try to win, when the great thing about the internet is anonymity. Not being associated with anything means we can all get away with being stubborn dicks. Don't bother trying to win when your opponents aren't playing fair :shrug:
FIRSTxAIDxKIT's avatar
Well, you really can't do anything, unfortunately. Getting into debates on the internet, especially in a community that is generally uneducated and adamant in their opinions (ahem Yahoo news commenters), is almost always a fruitless endeavor. When you argue with someone behind a screen, it is SO easy to ignore someone and pretend that you are the all-knowing god of whatever it is you're arguing about. That's why I usually stray away from political and social arguments online, but I absolutely love calling people out on their shit in person. At least in person when you're dropping your facts like bombs, you can visibly see your opponent flounder.

I understand the whole "someone has to call them out on their bullshit" mentality, but you really have to ask yourself if it's worth the time, energy, and probably general annoyance as you argue with a wall. I tend to ignore it all unless it's something I care deeply about, and even then, like I said, it's incredibly hard to have a discussion without it turning into an argument or a straight-up name calling spree.
BrandonScottPilcher's avatar
You raise a good point, the Internet is a terrible place for debating for the reasons you mentioned. Unfortunately it's also my main social outlet.
FIRSTxAIDxKIT's avatar
Join clubs at your school where civil debates are encouraged? Learning how to debate in person will ultimately help you be more level headed and form better arguments over the internet.
PandoraofBrushia's avatar
You can only educate those who are willing and open to the information. I understand that it may be difficult for you to stand back and say, "I can't win this one, so I'm gonna back off," but sometimes that's what you have to do. People which you described don't want enlightenment. They want people to parrot their opinions so that they feel in control themselves. You win some, you lose some.

Or, they could just be trolling you to get you riled up, and it seems to have worked. I suggest you test the environment you want to voice your opinions on before actually doing so.