Should I give up?

bloodify's avatar
So... I'm a 14-year-old guy who likes to draw.

Not really athletic, but that seems to be like the thing every guy's on about these days. I'm not unpopular, but I don't think I'm exactly one of the "cool" guys either. Should I stop drawing? I'm kind of known for it, but sometimes I feel sad because even though "respected" for my art in school, sometimes people just go like "Haha, all you do is draw." Kinda makes me feel... useless? And feminine. Yeah... because the "cool" guys are all athletic and shit.

Main point: Should I stop drawing? I don't mean completely give up though, just maybe hide it from everyone else? I know I'm still pretty young... :s
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kinzerkinz's avatar
What other people think doesn't matter. Do you love drawing? Then you should do what you love. You're not unhappy because you draw, it seems to me that these kids are rude and immature. When you're a famous artist and their sports scholarship fell through, you can laugh and say that you're successful at something that makes you happy.
xhersheystarlover's avatar
You're the same age as me ; what I'm doingv ;
I'm homeschooled and people still make fun of me when they want to see my arts.
I like them to my dA and they think I'm stupid :c

But I just brush it off because I like what I'm doing ; v ;

I just noticed how old this post is xDD
LOBIKA's avatar
DSteffi's avatar
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You should not stop drawing! Forget their words, hell, I'd like to see the ones who tease you to draw! You are awesome in your own way and don't let others make you feel bad about being your awesome self! I think guys who can draw are beyond cool. Use your talents, be proud of yourself, and don't listen to the shallow people who can't see the awesomeness in you.


All the effort is pointless if you don't believe in yourself.
The-Golden-Knight's avatar
You don't need to stop drawing, and almighty forbid you bend to "peer pressure". Blaze your own path, and if it helps, use your art as a trailblazing mechanism! Yes, you can exercise and draw, all while also balancing both school AND online fun time! :juggle: It sounds like a mouthful, but as a college junior, I'm succeeding at it! :trophy: If you're a strong guy (particularly in spirit) and you stick to your drawing, you might make it appear as something hardcore. Stand proud, chin high, and never let anyone push you around! Showing off those kinds of guts will earn you pride, and if you're lucky, stack respect on top of that order! :#1:
DreamoftheNightSky's avatar
At your age, I was both artistic and athletic (mostly outside of school because I took private lessons/training) and I continued with my activities because I enjoyed it. Now, I do artsy stuff on the side (intending to become a full-time fiction writer), while playing sports with my students.

If you enjoy something, work at it and be great. Make it into a career if you can because nothing is better than a job that is also fun.

Wherever you go and at any age, you'll run into people who will stop at nothing to find something wrong with you; to criticise you. Take in what they have to say, but it's only their opinion, so you don't have to comply to what they say.
Alels's avatar
Drawing is not an excuse for not exercising =/
Don't stop doing what you love just because you're not athletic either!
I recommend you keep drawing, if you really love it.
Music-Art-Life9601's avatar
Why should you stop drawing cause you want to be respected by OTHER people? This is who you are and if drawing is what you want to do, then you shouldn't give shit what other people think. I'm like you, I'm not interested in sports, I mostly like to read and draw, but I don't let what other people think get a hold of me. You are who you are and no person can tell you otherwise. You never know, you could be an awesome famous drawer someday and make a lot of money, and then you can rub it in those jerks' faces! :D
were-pire5's avatar
DO NOT FLIPPING STOP! NOOOO... Look, women just likes athletic boys because of the looks and stuff. You, I can imagine is very very sexy while drawing ;] Oh yes, naughty you, now I have dirty pictures in my head! D:

I respect people like you who can draw. I'm the same age as you and I'm like crap at drawing, and I'm always jealous of my friend who's like amazing at drawing!

Do not stop, show your talent boiii! <3
shmekldorf's avatar
If you like it, than don't stop. I'm a girl in high school and I don't have that many friends, but I'll tell you that a guy that pays attention to life through drawing is more interesting than jock. I'm known for my drawings and nobody cares about it but I love drawing and would rather talk about anatomy and composition than who won the game last night.
Personal-Pariah's avatar
Surely there is a balance to be reached...?

I know we men aren't known for our multitasking but I think you could manage two hobbies.
the-ever-eternal's avatar
thing i learned about people in school is that they admire stregth, not physical but mental, not doing what everyone else does is what makes you unique, recognizable, so your not into sports, thats okay, find what else people are into

the most interesting thing about them is they're all extremely complex, as a human being its your right to unravel them to find the gems inside
Bucket-Kat's avatar
All hail to the NO!

You shouldn't stop drawing because of people's opinions.
You shouldn't be giving a rats ass about their stupid opinions in the first place!

That talent of yours makes and defines of who you are and
doing what you do best is what makes you happy.

There are different ways to use that talent of yours, you know?
You just gotta figure out where you want to go with it.
bloodify's avatar
I won't, thank you!
Bucket-Kat's avatar
No problemo! ; 3;
SolarLunix's avatar
Everyone goes through a phase like this, no you really shouldn't stop drawing. Just because people make fun of you doesn't mean they actually think that. It's different for guys, they won't come up to another guy and be like "Wow you draw good I can't draw like that" from what I see, they usually make fun of the guy drawing. Some of them are secretly jealous, cause a guy who made fun of one of my friends for drawing all the time came up to my work and said he wished that he could draw. You really shouldn't hide your talent, but if you want to do it at home and keep it at home, then keep it at home, but I'm sure it's just a phase you and your friends (I am using that loosely) are going through do to your age.
Necrotrup's avatar
So, You think, if You stop drawning, You become more athletic? Interesting point...
bloodify's avatar
No, I never said that... :o
KuraiSol's avatar
Just know that those guys are only gonna go to college for their athletic skill, eventually leave college, try to go pro, get turned down, stop exercising, forget to change their diet, become fat, get some weird job, and look back on their highschool/college days and call them their glory days. (There are exceptions but that is the usual case) But remember many of the greatest artists in history are also male, so there is nothing feminine about art or drawing. Also, don't quit, you are very talented, and that talent going to waste is such a sad thing. There is no need to hide it, nor is there any reason to stop.
Lil-Greenie's avatar
You have a lot of talent, so I don't think that you should stop drawing and be proud of your talent. I also don't see any reason you should hide it from those around you, I think that maybe they are just a bit jealous of your talent. Not everyone is good at the same things the athletic people who you consider the "cool" guys probably can't draw right? So there is no reason why you can't just be good at what you are and enjoy it just because it is something you can do and they can't. Also you should not let other people change your who you are!
tekkoontan's avatar
dont give up painting and dont even start being athletic. being athletic is too mainstream, but being good in art is not something everyone can do.

be like me, really suck at sport but good in art. and i get more girls too.
DudQuitter's avatar
I disagree with the second statement. Exercise(properly done) never hurt anyone.
just-call-me-C's avatar
Do you really want to let the comments of others rule your life? or decide your choices in life? Who gives a shit if people think that all you do is draw. Let them think what they want. What I am saying is do what makes you happy, and besides your gallery pretty good for your age so I wouldn't if I were you.
bloodify's avatar
Thank you so much, and sorry for the late reply!