How do I tell a man he's beautiful?

phantasmalkitty's avatar
I think my boyfriend is beautiful, in a masculine way of course, but he doesn't like to be called beautiful or gorgeous. He says it makes him feel feminine. I tell him he's handsome sometimes, but it's just not a strong enough word. Any suggestions for another word I could use?
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raumasy's avatar
yeah you dont need to go over the top with compliments, they seem to lose their impact. eyes are always an incredibly cliched winner
canuckgurl22's avatar
Like someone else said, I would try more specific compliments so he knows exactly what about him you find so attractive.. eyes, arms, chest, etc. It's a generalization, but many guys are competitive, so maybe saying he has the "most handsome" most irresistable" "best arms," etc. :)
distortiongirl's avatar
or "dudeeee. your so incredibly over the top attractive"

??? yeah???
distortiongirl's avatar
"dude, I think your beautiful"

its so simple :)
chriscrossxyz's avatar
Call him tough, or rugged, or ask him to pick you up... (like literally?). Or go up and grab his arm and say "ooo shit, doesn't it hurt having muscle that big?"
Shale-Sage's avatar
Try a thesaurus. You do know what that is right?
siantjudas's avatar
just say something you specifically love about his appearance, it comes out like a compliment but you dont have to make it seem over the top
something like "i really love your *insert here*"
homedoggieo's avatar
phantasmalkitty's avatar
Lol. XD I do say that sometimes.
AliBahulimud's avatar

And awesome avatar.
sirdelirium's avatar
if you need to compliment (and no, you don't need to as much as you think), say something about one area of him in particular. I always like hearing I have nice calves.
phantasmalkitty's avatar
Thanks; I'll try that. :-)
raspil's avatar
you really can't come up with a word on your own... wow. wtf.
phantasmalkitty's avatar
I can think of plenty of synonyms, but they all sound feminine or just don't suit him. When people have exhausted their resources, it's generally acceptable to ask others for help or advice. So, no need to be a dick.
raspil's avatar
So, no need to be a dick.

stay classy! :thumbsup:

/this is so dumb, i don't even know where to begin
KumoriMusha's avatar
My GF says stuff like that a lot, and from a guys perspective it is kinda weird. Just tone it down, handsome is plenty for a guy. We don't need to be told that many compliments, honestly.
stitched-patchez's avatar
I had a boy like that, and the thing is he didn't like being fawned over, so every now and then I would tell him how glad i was to have such an incredible handsome man as my own...he seemed to like that
Shidaku's avatar
attractive? manly?

is he metro or emo or goth or something? If he is, call him beautiful anyway. Serves him right. :-p
phantasmalkitty's avatar
Haha. No, he's not. He does have shoulder-length blonde hair, but he's got a strong jawline and he dresses like a guy.
Shidaku's avatar