Looking for painters

wildtommy's avatar
I am interested in Painting and I am looking for painters
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OfOneSoul's avatar
Hello wildtommy,

I’m afraid that I am leaving this reply to inform you that your thread will be closed today. While we greatly appreciate your use of our forums, I’m afraid that this particular thread doesn’t meet our posting guidelines so we’re going to bring the discussion to a halt.

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AnthonyShlauhite's avatar
Nice to meet, im drawer from Russia) Looking for... Something?... Dunno what im looking for.
taibossigai's avatar
Greetings! I paint as well! I agree, Van Gogh had a very interesting life and created some amazing works. Pleased to meet you.
singingstranger's avatar
You're from Belgium. Are you only looking or people who paint and live in Belgium or simply people here on the website who paint?
wildtommy's avatar
Thanks for your reply. Not especially people who are living in Belgium. 
singingstranger's avatar
Awesome ^^ then you've found yourself a fellow painter!
wildtommy's avatar
Thanks.  It was just an experiment. Was just reading a biography about the life of Vincent van Gogh. In the beginning he was not a real good painter. He didn't real know how to paint. But painting was his life and so he was becoming a very great man. 
singingstranger's avatar
He sure had a passion!
wildtommy's avatar
Yes I was planning to publish something on Facebook about this biography. But Facebook is sometimes so terrible idiot that I loathe from it. I have the impression that most people there are on an ego-trip.
singingstranger's avatar
Welcome to the online world....