Singles mixer

TheMetalManiac's avatar
Ok, hear me out. This a bit of a dating forum for those who are looking for a date in their nearby area. So if you already tried various dating sites and want to try a new approach just describe yourself briefly here and wait for someone to reply or note you (preferably note if you want to share things like phone numbers and locations) and we can also chat it up to get to know each other and all that. So I hope you guys participate and have fun and hopefully you'll find someone for coffee or movies or both! :3
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isthisthingstillon's avatar
Hello TheMetalManiac,

I’m afraid that I am leaving this reply to inform you that your thread will be closed today. While we greatly appreciate your use of our forums, I’m afraid that this particular thread doesn’t meet our posting guidelines so we’re going to bring the discussion to a halt.

We’ve made a few posts such as our helpful guidelines for this forum which you might find useful for your future forum postings. Thank you for your understanding.