UK? England?

Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
Anyone in or around the North East of England? Does anyone fancy a meet up to sketch together or chat? 
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UnspawnedArt's avatar
I like to see England people :D (Big Grin) 
Katie-Bass's avatar
Hiya, I'm in the cambridgeshire area :)
Tutancarton's avatar
My company is finalising a board game with miniatures that goes around Tank warfare. We are now in the process sod hiring an artist to create all the artwork from tokens, icons, interior art, design of the game title, cards, everything.

Any one available? Examples of your work please send to

Please pass it around.

WingsofOnyx's avatar
Anyone in London?
asmuchospossible's avatar
made a new thread for London, post a comment
BountyBam's avatar
I'm from Hull but living in Runcorn to the West :)
Ceravyni's avatar
Hey, I live in Runcorn! :O
BountyBam's avatar
Cool :D Where abouts? I'm in the Old Town.
Ceravyni's avatar
Murdishaw :D

The Old Town's cool though, it's got a really nice chip shop. And the Brindley. And I had a birthday party in the Chambers once :D
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
I was in Hull for 3 years! I've just moved back further north.

Runcorn, that rings a bell! XD  Isn't that where Two Pints of Larger was set?
BountyBam's avatar
Yeah! :D Sorry for late reply, I rarely use this! is me if you use FB ^^
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
Ah, ok! Expect a stupid looking person sending a friend request!
3wyl's avatar
Have you checked out britain?
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
:O I did not know of this. Thank you :D
3wyl's avatar
It's handy for organising meets!
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
I can see. I'll have to keep a look out for whenever I'm down south again.
3wyl's avatar
Ceravyni's avatar
I'm in the North west :3 So if you don't mind spending up to a whole day getting to Liverpool XD
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
Travelling in the UK is ridiculous isn't it xD We're so close yet so far apart!
Ceravyni's avatar
Yeah, it is XD I'd have to go across the pennines to get almost anywhere, and since I don't drive, I have to rely on trains and that's very hard in this season! XD
Coffin-Rabbit's avatar
Getting around's a nightmare if you can't drive. >< And trains are so expensive!
Doodlehudson's avatar
Masaki! Liverpool's all the way down South! :XD: Newcastle is where it's at ;P
Ceravyni's avatar
It's north as far as I'm concerned! Considering I used to live in Doncaster XD
Doodlehudson's avatar
Pah! That's like saying Manchester is north as well ;P Both of them are south!

(although; us real northerners are a picky bunch when it comes to allowing others into the north... Wish we had a n(ice) Wall to keep you lot out :XD: )