Cultural Appropriation ugh

ZhengjiuYishu's avatar
This is gonna be a LONG one! I most likely won't respond much to comments but have at it!! Fight to the death!

I see this so much....Honestly, it's one thing to take something sacred or religious and flaunt it around like a new pair of shoes. It's another to take fashions from a culture and wear them or design clothes based off of it. 

This complaint is from on instagram and I found the tumblr SJW's freaking out about "white people" wearing kimonos. This one white girl (who looks about 14) was going around to every comment telling people they're racist for wearing (non-religious/sacred) fashion from other cultures. This is the typical white SJW and she is fucking annoying. 

I told her about how I wear a kimono almost every day, have for a few years. Recently, an elderly Japanese couple moved in down the road. I decided to wear my kimono to school that day for Culture Appreciation week. When I was coming home from school, the woman was in the yard and she called me over. She said I looked lovely and she was SO happy to see her culture spreading. Eventually she bought me a yukata and even showed me how to tie the obi into a bow.

Anyways, I made a commenting saying all of this and this little girl replies and says "2 people doesn't speak for the whole culture. You're being racist and should seriously stop. You need to ask the people if it's okay FIRST." Then she turned around and said "Well that's okay, I respect that you got their permission". Like what?! You just completely contradicted yourself. And no, bitch. I did not get their permission. I didn't ask them. I just did it because of my love for Japanese culture and tradition and they praised me. 

THEN, jesus fucking christ. She says the most ignorant thing to me. She said you have to be Chinese or Japanese to wear a kimono since those are the countries they're from. She then told me to look it up. What the actual fuck? First of all, my username is very obviously Chinese. Second, I AM CHINESE. 

I decided to look up "Chinese Kimono" and see what came up. Guess what said a kimono is from China? Wikipedia. JFC kids... It's SPECULATED that the kimono is based off the Chinese fashion, hanfu. Hanfus and kimonos are EXTREMELY different. If you want a lesson, let me know. But honestly, you can just look up images and you'll see how completely different they are. 

This will be waaaay too long if I continue so I'll stop there. *sighs* Instagram is turning into tumblr, I fucking swear. 
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Corterri's avatar
Like I said in another thread; we're so comfortable here in the first world that we actively seek things to offend us.
xclaux's avatar
MoonwalkingZear's avatar
Ahhh shit! What did I missed? Was hunting Kechas :iconkechawachaplz: and Pinecones :iconseregiosplz:.
LyraDogstar's avatar
Being Pretty Damn White, I'm actually a little scared to wear anything based of other cultures' fashions, even though I would never be disrespectful about it. Although it does kind of annoy me to see artists that draw tons of white people in ethnic garb. They really are two different things...
Kioko-Fulgarion's avatar
Huh? I thought it was a good thing to appreciate another culture outside your own...O_o
TheCunningCondor's avatar
Kimonos err froom Chinna

Spegatti is from Frans

Chinese Food is from Murka
61021376's avatar
Cultural appropriation does exist but they never explain how it's bad:lol: because no, it's not! if a culture expends, it's a successful culture...
RadicalSabbath's avatar
I remember talking to my Japanese friend a year ago, and she said that it really wasn't a big deal that their culture is spreading. She was pretty excited when I asked her to teach me, and everyone else would have the same reaction if you ask them about their culture.

There's a world outside of the internet, kiddos. Why not try getting off the couch and asking someone who was naturally-born before asking those "snobby" experts on what little things they know.
ProfessorSheepie's avatar
ColorfullyMonotone's avatar
She's right but why stop there? We should stop eating other culture's food because that is appropriation too. Chipotle and Taco Bell should only be available to Mexicans. Us Americans should all be eating hamburgers and deep fry everyday until we all die of heart attacks.

In all seriousness, these statements are made by sheltered rich kids who want to feel superior by pretending to be a victim. They apparently believe "white people have no culture" because America doesn't have a unifying culture (Europe doesn't exist apparently). They don't seem to understand that it's America is a country built by immigrants and its extreme diversity that causes the country to have no unifying culture, which is mostly a good thing, IMO. And the one thing that unites everyone in this nation is burgers.

brodskales's avatar
You should try the American way of life. Buy guns, smoke swisher sweets, and get liquored up. Kimonos are cool and all but they ain't half as cool as four gold chains and a gold tooth.
ZhengjiuYishu's avatar
Lmao I'll pass! But thanks XD
winglepopy's avatar
i'm chinese too ping pong wing wong
natetheninja23's avatar
That was literally low-shelf bait, and you just took it.
ProfessorSheepie's avatar
Yeah, it was completely unnecessary of you you to make "low-shelf bait" in the first place.
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Imdraproc's avatar
Cultures all over the world have always learned things from each other.

For example, here in the west, we use the Latin alphabet (which is based off of the Greek alphabet, which is based off of the Phoenician alphabet, and... you get the idea),
we use political terms and ideas from the Greeks, our numerical system comes from India, and several terms within mathematics, economy, and chemistry (as well as about half of the all the stars visible to the eye in the night sky) come from the Arabs.

If cultures only kept to themselves and never tried to learn anything from each other, we'd still be stuck at Stone Age level.
natetheninja23's avatar
Someone should tell them that the alphabet isn't even our own.  

"Yeah, you know those words you're saying right now?  They're not even your own- they were adopted from ancient Greek culture.  CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, BITCH!"  Watch them go mad, have the popcorn ready.
Imdraproc's avatar
And then tell the Greeks that they learned their letters from the Phoenicians (ancient Lebanese), and then tell the Lebanese that they based them off of Proto-Sinaitic (would be Palestine/Israel), and then tell them in turn that they based it off of Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

The only cultures that developed their own writing systems without them being based off of an earlier one were the Mesopotamians (ancient Iraqis), Egyptians, Chinese, and Olmecs, so if "cultural appropriation" was forbidden, only four countries in the whole world would be allowed to use writing at all.

Isn't it hilarious?
natetheninja23's avatar
Man, this shouldn't even be bait since it's too easy. XD
ZhengjiuYishu's avatar