3 N00b things online

nonoseknows's avatar
1 - "Cool" name prefixes and suffixes. Nobody uses x, xX, Xx, XxX, xXx, v, or hyphens anymore. It's not cool or very 1337.

2 - "Cool" numbers. No one over thirteen gets a lul out of 69, 420, or 666. You either come off as edgy, a little kid, or a friendless virgin. Most the time all three.

3 - Failing to realize that 1337 should only be used sarcastically. N00b5 b 1i3k qu1ck5c0p3d 4 7h47 5h17 n0w. G37 wr3k7.
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BFG-9KRC's avatar
OP IS NO MORE!!! :ohnoes:
mhairigood's avatar
n00b power level: 9000+
xracecar's avatar
Lol I just needed a name for nicktropolis back in 06'
CloneTrooperTwelve's avatar
I use the XX prefixes and suffixes just to be ironic.
llalalsoososooaa's avatar

u fkin w0t m9 fite mi irl rn
nonoseknows's avatar
Ull g3t r3k7 m90
llalalsoososooaa's avatar
naw m9 ill 360 nospcope u biatch
reqionalatbest's avatar
Rawglor's avatar
I always thought having a bunch of X's and underscores at the beginning and end of a username would just make logging in a pain in the ass. I remember seeing a lot of usernames back in 2006 when I played runescape.
nonoseknows's avatar
No doubt.

I still see x's, v's, spaces, and hyphens on Xbox Live every time I actually play anything.
canttel's avatar
0p cunt undirst1nd w0t 1337 3v3n m33n d03.
btw 1m th3 420th c0mm3nt 0n d1s p0st.
1-800-trash's avatar
420 b1az3 1t br0
Sadbutambitious's avatar
2005 was the year I discovered leet and all those fun, fucking things. My old username had some edgy but got rid of it since It was way too edgy for an old fuck like me. 
nonoseknows's avatar
Before 2009 (the birth of Maj0rWhal3WankR), I always just used shorthand at the most. Now I only half-leet for password, and use 1 interchangeably for I and L, because most things require a number anyway and half-leet is harder to guess than a number at the end of something.

What was your old name, old timer?
Sadbutambitious's avatar
It was dhabster something. I had a bunch of numbers next to it but I forgot which ones. It was named partially after one of my dogs. 

I don't like remembering it since I was a 13 year old teeny-tryhard back in the day. :lol:
nonoseknows's avatar
My oldest one I can remember is EzekialTheNecromancer (Diablo 2 account, age 12 or so). Edgiest was FattyCakes420 (Gaia age 14).
Sadbutambitious's avatar
Jesus christ, you're definitely an old timer. :lol:
graceyanneiseki's avatar
1 Message from : _xXxX69elite-ch3rryp0pp3r1987XxXx_@hmail.com
Subject: Resume

nonoseknows's avatar
elite cherrypopper

SolBrandz's avatar
Yeah I keep seeing the 'cool names'.. Especially on Xbox or YouTube.
nonoseknows's avatar
There's a lot around here still.
Cethlenn's avatar
N00b lYf b s3r30us br0!!!!!!!!!!