I'm Black and Like Anime. What Do You Expect of Me?

MollyoftheMoon's avatar
Okay, I've been called an Oreo quite a few times because my skin is as dark as the cookie, but I enjoy anime, graphic novels, and pretty much anything and everything geeky(even though being a 'geek' is cool by today'standards); all things loved by mostly white males(the majority). The vanilla cream within the cookie.
I have friends who think I'm the weirdest black person there is because of what I like and how I talk and act.
So, because I'm a black girl, you expect me to be neck rolling and talk like I never opened an English book(no offense)?
I'm so tired of the degradation of black women today. The stereotyping. It bothers me sooooo much now.
This isn't directed at anybody, and I'm not calling any of you guys out(I love all my friends here on dA regardless of their race). But what is really expected of me because of my race and gender? Are people really that simple-minded today to judge at first glance? (Again, no offense to anybody).
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The-Albino-Axolotl's avatar
My music teacher was the kind of black guy who does not even sound black, also a huge fan of anime. He has a cool fellow.
MatRou's avatar
I expect you to be of the high melanin density carrying variety of human, and you to enjoy graphical art of the oriental expression.

And that's that.
RenamonMega's avatar
People believe in too many stereotypes and the bad reputation of minorities being broadcasted from News Outlets.

I do not care about skin color because in all honesty it is just a color so the thought of racism is beyond stupid.
deviant-garde's avatar
Well I can only thank you for explaining that incredibly obscure metaphor no one has ever heard before for black people, "oreo", for if you did not, I can safely say not I nor anyone else reading this thread would have had a fraction of a clue what it meant.

Also let's be honest only other 13 year old black kids really find the fact that you speak neutral English and enjoy anime strange because you're black. You're fine, dude. Just wait until you get around a larger, more mature body of people.
Notorius-Quack's avatar
I am latin I like anime and I don't know how to dance salsa...don't be so troubled because of what people expect from you because it doesn't matter (unless it is to have a job lol)
ShortywiththeGlasses's avatar
Seems like it would be more appropriate to say you're a cadbury creme egg seeing as you're black on the outside and yellow on the inside. 
Hashae's avatar
that's me as well.
HiatusNISA's avatar
Well I've known a lot of black people who like anime. Shit some of my cousins who are half black like anime. No one calls them an oreo. As someone who spends a lot more time with black people and doesn't really know a whole lot of white people I would say I don't have any preconceptions of black people.
sapphik92's avatar
I expect a lot
Izanami-No-Kami's avatar
People should stop generalizing!
MarcelaMorgon's avatar
There's no correlation between one's skin color and one's hobbies, assuming the contrary is pretty retarded.
Also... people calls you oreo on your face? that's fucking rude, where I live there's almost zero racial diversity so I can't imagine someone being such a douche.
MollyoftheMoon's avatar
No they weren't rude. I actually found it funny because they were just joking as friends do. But it was interesting, term-wise. It really asks the question 'what do they really expect from me because of my skin color?'
reqionalatbest's avatar
one of my irl friends has this black girl she talks about tokyo ghoul with
liking anime is a-okay, regardless of race
MollyoftheMoon's avatar
That's exactly what I'm saying ^^
EmmanuelNgene's avatar
fuck racial expectations I'm black and i love anime.

particularly mecha anime and seinen shows.

like Gunbusters or Ergo Proxy.

none of that SAO stuff.. I don't dig shows that are too fanservice-y or harem-ish.
MollyoftheMoon's avatar
Thanks so much for the comment ^v^ still being fairly new to the world of anime I bounce around from genre to genre to see what I really like, and already I'm sensing that I'm kind of into magical-girls and intense action. 
EmmanuelNgene's avatar
no problem ^^

I'm not so sure, but I think you might really like the 'madoka magica' franchise.
it's both magical girls and intense action.

it's kind of dark though.
MollyoftheMoon's avatar
I've seen Madoka Magica ^v^ Like really, I went into it expecting nothing of the subject material that was within. Madoka was the first anime I truly watched. 
jengatower's avatar
Don't worry about what other people say. Race does not determine someone's interests. :hug:
MollyoftheMoon's avatar
Thank you for the kind comment :hug:
Soul-Daemon's avatar
Its funny I grew up at a time when liking anime was considered weird and geeky and I am a white boy, Everyone was equally weird and geeky back then. Now everyone seems to like the things I always liked and its now the norm to be geeky.