My dad.

Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
Hey complaints, its been a while yeah? any who got somethings to complain about.

Mostly my dad.

Ever sense my dad has been diagnosed with dementia, he's started drinking in excess. Even now, when on a diet that says you can't drink, he downs a whole bottle of vodka in one night.

He also fights with my mom almost everyday, and gets very sensitive when she says anything negative. He's gotten to the point he slams pots on the counter.

Whats worse is that, when i get out of the house with him, he's really nice and a joy to talk to. It confused me greatly. I don't get why he can be so nice in public.

Anyway, thats all!
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zxcraous's avatar
Oh boy, dementia is tough stuff. For the longest time, my grandma lived with me and it was sad to see her slowly lose her mind.

He's probably scared of losing his mind. Just imagine being in his shoes, forgetting memories and words and just everything. It's awful. 
Pokey-Bunny's avatar
I think he's scared. He's slowly losing his mind, he knows it, and it scares and depresses him probably. He's self medicating for that fear and/or depression by drinking alcohol and he's lashing out at the people closest to him because of it. It's not fair or even right, but it is understandable. I wish you luck, and is he in therapy? Because that might help him.
Elgrig's avatar
Hide his vodkas. Or replace it with water.
Riixinkuu's avatar
I hate when people use something bad for their health as an excuse for something else :/
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
Seems like he is the stage he knows what is going on and is angry as fuck. In those situations family is the first to be at the receiving end of rage. I have seen that too. It is sad
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
I suppose that is true. Family always gets the most rage form someone who is going through something. Whether its cancer, or slowly loosing your mind.

Maybe he should take up something that will help channel his anger.
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
Indeed. Having seen a relative told she had a few months to live I have witness it. Rage is one of the stages, they become somebody you do not even know. It is truly sad
Eldritch-Turnip's avatar
Dude, that is rough. I dunno what I can say to actually help, other than to say that one thing I've learned is that even when things suck really really bad, most times they aren't going to suck forever. It's hard to see that there might be an end to a bad situation when you're in it, but it's often the case. I'm sorry if "hang in there" is the sum total of my life's wisdom, but that's all I got. Also, when I'm especially bummed out about something I look at this picture and I feel slightly less bummed out about things: Hope it helps a bit.
Buniis's avatar
That sucks. :(
TrueMefista's avatar
That sucks majorly.As for "acting good outside of house",this reminds me of my mom.Maybe he,too,is instinctively afraid of seeming like bad person before random street people?
*this is Flei-the-chaos-dragon,in case you forgot*
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
Oh hi! I didn't know you had a DA.

Maybe. Or maybe its not as stressful for him.
TrueMefista's avatar
I posted pics with direct links to here,and mentioned my DA few times,you prob forgot)

Corvalian's avatar
Maybe he forgets that he already drank some vodka, so he keeps on drinking it.
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
His memory isn't that bad. He's either trying o kill himself faster, trying to make himself feel better, or he has no control over himself once he starts. Second is more likely.
Raenafyn's avatar
I wish I knew what to say. :c My solution to parent problems is usually waiting until moving out is a viable option and the avoiding them, but then again, I don't have a great relationship with my parents. And I don't really know enough about the rest of your family to suggest that :B
YautjaVasquez's avatar
Well I am sorry to hear that and man would I love to help, but I only have experiance with PTSD, depression and split personality. Well I hope that you will stay strong...
Lytrigian's avatar
I have no idea how I'd react if faced with the prospect of gradually losing my mind, memories, and self, and to be told this was inevitable. I think I'd freak out somehow. Your father is facing a slow deterioration toward eventual self-annihilation and is probably very, very afraid. The vodka is probably an attempt to self-medicate and put a damper on the fear, which is making him act out at other times. Any other issues like his diet are simply not important to him.

It's probably all he can do to put on a brave face in public as he does.
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
He has medication. Lots of it. Many of it doesn't mix well with alcohol. I think he's just trying to kill himself faster or something and it upsets me.
Lytrigian's avatar
It's probably more that the medication doesn't actually make him feel any better.
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
I doubt drinking helps him either. What helps him most is doing things and making himself feel like he is still worth something (this i know for a fact, when he goes out and does something he deems worth while he perks up). But he would rather sit on the couch and just be miserable, thus getting angry and lashing out at my mom. I'm afraid he will hit her one day.

I get he is sick. I get he's probably scared. I'm scared too as he is my dad and i love him. But he has ways to make himself feel better, and he knows about these things. But he doesn't help himself while he still can help himself.
Lytrigian's avatar
It almost certainly doesn't really help, but people in these situations do not make rational decisions.
AmalaAzula's avatar
He only acts that way at your home?
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
yeah at home he is able to like... wallow or something. He does fight with mom in public though, but nothing like at home.
AmalaAzula's avatar
I'm sorry your family goes through that, truly