
secretly-aunicorn's avatar
So I was hanging out with a couple of friends at the mall the other day. Y'know the stupid giddy shit that teenage girls do at malls? Yea that was us. :lol: Anyways, there were a couple of guys sitting near the center of the mall. They looked like the typical douchey type with their bottom lip sticking out. (One of them was even wearing sunglasses...indoors :stare: )

Since I am super uncomfortable around guys, especially ones like these, I tried to avoid them. WELL that didn't go so well. One of the guys called out:

"Nice rack." :stare:


Are you serious right now? He obviously wasn't talking to me, (I have little deflated balloons on my chest ;-; ) So we just ignored them. It still really peeved me off tbh.

But what I don't understand is this: What is the sex appeal of boobs? Honestly they're just two sacks of milk hanging from our chests. *sigh* I think I'm just jealous because my friend has huge tits and I don't :cries:

TL;DR: My friend has big boobs, some guy commented on it, and now I'm jealous.
Anti Complaint: We went to Panera Bread today and I had some of their Mac-and-Cheese. One word: Euphoria :love: 
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whianem's avatar
"Honestly they're just two sacks of milk hanging from our chests."

...And eyes are only two balloons with a hole in the center? XD "think I'm just jealous because my friend has huge tits and I don't" I think that's the point (though people commenting about your boobs is not nice at all, of course). You're wise if you could understand why you felt bad, and that's the first step to improve and solve that complex. I'm sure you can :) See it this way: on the 20's and 60's, thin girls with little boobs was a sign of beauty :) You don't need big boobs to be seen as beauty; many popular models haven't, for example, and they're still beautiful.
Sapphire-Stitch's avatar
I have teeny tiny boobs. Seriously, I see women on TV with bigger boobs than me complain that their small breasts are ruining their lives. 

Big boobs are kinda intimidating. And imagine how far down those things go when they're out of the bra. Mine don't sag more than a hair width out of their home. :P 
Also, I think women with larger boobs tend to be seen as stupid or ditzy. I knew a girl in school who had massive boobs, and the guys only saw her as a sex object -- they could not talk to her without ending up laughing behind her back.

Also, if any girl makes fun of you for having small boobs -- they are either small-minded or jealous (because a lot of big boobs come with big bodies, if you get me).
Zagittorch's avatar
Eh, you sound barely over 12 so there's plenty of time for your breasts to grow in size. :pat:
Reokii's avatar
Overly huge boobs are unappealing. I never understood why some women out there have surgery to get huge ass breasts. ( And I mean huge ones where they don't even make the bra size for)
danarogon's avatar
That would be like a man asking a woman why she even finds men attractive at all. Boobs are just Boobs, like "sexy" men are just sexy.
ThePurpleTabby's avatar
If you have big enough boobs, you don't need to buy a purse; you can just shove your wallet, phone, and keys into your rack. Plus your stuff is less likely to get stolen that way. LOL 
danny-mechanist's avatar
As for sex appeal, it's a fact that a healthy pair of breasts (big or small doesn't matter as long as they're proportionate to the woman's body) indicates fertility. Human males are geared to (on a primordial level) look for a good pair of breasts in any potential mate since that indicates that she's healthy.
Buniis's avatar
Define proportionate to our body, good breasts, and healthy breasts.
danny-mechanist's avatar
Not to big or too small. Like it would look weird for a large, bulky woman to have really small flat breasts or a petit, skinny woman to have very huge ones. (Which is why surgically enhanced breasts very rarely look good, they throw off the woman's natural proportions.)
Buniis's avatar
Sounds like a superficial opinion.
Looking weird [to you]=/= unhealthy.
danny-mechanist's avatar…

True, but things like this are unhealthy.
Buniis's avatar
Not necessarily, just stupid looking and probably inconvenient.
If she doesn't have lumps, unusual leakage, ect she's healthy.
danny-mechanist's avatar

Also. Here's some science behind how sex appeal works:…
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BS-ADOPTS's avatar
That's a lie. If they look good, they're good enough to play with. Men or I don't care about the "health" crap.
danny-mechanist's avatar
The health crap is instinctual. If you think they "look good" that means they're healthy.
BS-ADOPTS's avatar
So what defines healthy Breasts? :|
danny-mechanist's avatar
most women have healthy breasts tbh. Healthy basically means not oddly sized as compared to the woman's body, or oddly misshapen in any way. Other abnormalities may be a complete lack of sensitivity in the nipples or inactive mammary glands (even after having a child). Also weird things like 3 breasts instead of 2. Otherwise the shape or size rarely matters at all as long as they function normally.
BS-ADOPTS's avatar
Ahh I was expecting you to say "big Breasts" like one guy said. :nod: ok
danny-mechanist's avatar
SIze hardly matters for breasts.
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Buniis's avatar
Lack of sensitivity in the nipples is not abnormal. :|
danny-mechanist's avatar
A lack of it isn't, an absence if it is.
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danny-mechanist's avatar
Boobs are boobs, big or little. It hardly matters, what makes them hot is being pretty (non-saggy) and perky. Some people actually prefer small over big. :shrug: it's all a matter of preference, really.