
LightBeautyPrincess's avatar
I'm at work. And all I can say is. You guys are pathetic. Still accusing me bringing up old shit. How more low can you go? No wait. I know. There are no limits. I haven't logged on for days. And you idiots tag me. You're all fail trolls to begin with. You all suck. You need to know how to let go, you bastards. But of course, you can't change stupid. So, apparently I am that guy? What's next? I am pretty much you too? Wow. You guys suck. You have no life. You literally here, everyday. So it seems, every hour, too. Get a life. Or second option for fail aborted fetuses.
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morbidman187's avatar
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spoems's avatar
Someone would need prior information about your life in order to have enough context to properly comment. Thus,  :lock:
zxcraous's avatar
I need more rest.
TheNaughtyFish's avatar
5:26 AM

Dear Note,
All I seem to find here are signs of unintelligent life. Better go back to fuckin' bed.

Sign out.

SavageFrog's avatar
I went to the DMV today. It sucked.
itsQueenOfTheSilence's avatar
No idea what you're on about. 
Sadbutambitious's avatar
So I'm at work and I realized that the managers are more lenient than I assumed.
SavageFrog's avatar
For letting you on a comp while you work?
Hashae's avatar
Can you believe this? My feelings are shattered. :tears: You meanie, I hate you! :tantrum:

Translation:The amount of fucks no one gives is boundless.
NicaRox's avatar
Right, says the one who has an alternate account and pretends they have a friend.
Yawn. Try harder.
gvcci-hvcci's avatar
I can't breathe today. Fuck you allergies. 
catsglade's avatar
:iconpollenplz: : Fuck you, too!
K-9-6-9's avatar
catsglade's avatar
Apparently this troll thinks we still care??
TheWriter-is-Dipchit's avatar
These fools are still giving ya beef?

Just ignore the brain dead zombies, my dear.

They try so hard. And they're just as stupid as a mentally retarded hood rat.
TheWriter-is-Dipchit's avatar
Here a wild nigger, right now.
Hashae's avatar
Round 2. *Ding Ding.*

I ain't a pokemon bitch.
TheWriter-is-Dipchit's avatar
Of course not. You're incapable of being cute.