Why are people so pessimistic and negative? Especially here...

Internetexplorer968's avatar
The majority I see aren't positive or happy people on DeviantART, and in the forums. It's annoying when the majority of people are like "I am crap and I will stay crap," or "You're crap and your ideas are crap." Also very doubtful.
Jeebus, are you people ever positive? Happy? Have imagination? Supportive? Come on. There is more to life than bad you know. >_>
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fnaf-fan1337's avatar
вєςคมรє рє๏рใє ฬคกҭ ҭ๏ รҭคгҭ รђīҭ คก๔ гมīก єⅴєгұ๏กєร ใīⅴєร ♩มรҭ ҭ๏ ғєєใ гīงђҭ ฬ๏ҭђ ҭђє๓รєใⅴєร
Jacquez-Arse's avatar
Sex is da answer
SynapticBoomstick's avatar
People like to have an audience when they bitch? Misery loves company? :shrug:
TrappedGirl's avatar
I've have you know that my pessimism is optimism dressed in black. :icondivaplz:
tilemaxosbra's avatar
Welcome to Deviantart.
neinkat's avatar
I guess they're trying to seem humble?...
theGman0's avatar
lol shut up Hitler 
Internetexplorer968's avatar
:iconhitlerstareplz: Your argument is invalid.
dualzxz's avatar
I'm pessimist and rude but I'm not unkind to people or say their art is crap
horsiefreak's avatar
My brain is like that, Its just how I think. It's quite annoying when people say "don't be such a pessimist" I can't just turn it off.
HimitsuUK's avatar
'Ey, I'm positive. :D
Phantom-Horse's avatar
Good! We need more people like you! :D I just wish I can get there someday.
RyanPowers's avatar
Try hanging out on the Praise forum for a change.
Internetexplorer968's avatar
Sounds like a plan then.
CatsEyeNebula's avatar
They don't meditate enough or take enough drugs 
Internetexplorer968's avatar
Take enough drugs, lol. XD
CatsEyeNebula's avatar
I think drugs might be the key to world peace :iconsolazyplz: 
Phantom-Horse's avatar
I need to meditate more. Ya know what sucks? When you feel like shit in an emotional way, there are things you can do to feel better but not motivated D: Wtf man ;;
CatsEyeNebula's avatar
Oh gawd I know. :iconsolazyplz: 
3Ravens98's avatar
The thing about the internet in general is that there is no filter. People will post whatever without stopping to think about what they're posting.

Banan a boat.