Guess what, you're engaged

DannyMechanist's avatar
Back story: Me and my family went on a 20 day trip abroad in January this year. First to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage and then to the UAE for a week long visit to my mom's cousin's place in Dubai. Now, said Aunt (long distance) has a girl my age and three more who are younger.

The real shiz:
My paternal uncle (dad's brother) recently spread a rumor that my parents went on the aforesaid trip only so they could engage me to the aforesaid aunt's eldest daughter. So now apparently everyone in my maternal and paternal family thinks I am engaged while in truth I am not even close.

I mean if I ever do get engaged I will fucking get engaged to my girlfriend who I have been with for three fucking years not a distant effin cousin I barely know and have only met once in my entire effin life.

8/8 for imagination uncle :iconbravoplz: wow!

I don't even... ugh... who? I ask you WHO HAS THE SPARE BRAIN CELLS TO MAKE SUCH SHIT UP?

Plus why does it even matter. Unless you want me to marry one of your daughters and are afraid I might marry someone else. I which case, tough luck bro, I've already chosen my woman and, God willing, will marry my current girlfriend so take your rumors and your paranoid self and stick them up your arse. Perhaps they'll become double if you scream really loud and shake it vigorously while they're in there. -_-

GOOD GOD! My family are a bunch of effin freaks.

Good song.…
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5-7x28mm's avatar
My girlfriend in highschool just disappeared one day and didn't contact me for about a year. It turned out her family took her to Lebanon and made her marry some random guy. She came back a super conservative Muslim housewife and said she couldn't talk to me anymore.

It was the most interesting breakup ever. :iconhellotharidiot:
Lucr3tcia's avatar
Woah that must have been awkward
5-7x28mm's avatar
DannyMechanist's avatar
Sounds crappy as fuck
5-7x28mm's avatar
It wasn't the best.
DannyMechanist's avatar
Astarsia's avatar
Your uncle sounds like someone you want to take to a party, because he is the bottom line of the joke.. lame 
SadistSkunk's avatar
Ew, cousin marriage. Why do your parents want you to make inbred grandkids for them?
DannyMechanist's avatar
They don't. My uncle apparently fantasiezes such -_- I don't care though. I wanna marry outside the family.
SadistSkunk's avatar
Your uncle fantasizes about you and your cousins? This is just getting freakier and freakier. :dummy:
DannyMechanist's avatar
Indeed it is :nod: Apparently he's more interested in my love life than my own parents -_-
SadistSkunk's avatar
It's kinda creepy for your relatives to be too interested in your love life in general.
DannyMechanist's avatar
Yep. Even more so when I don't care the least bit about them.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
Fun fact: Reproducing with a first cousin is actually only slightly more likely to result in a genetic defect (around 2%) than reproducing with a stranger. And the risk factor for reproducing with anyone further removed than a first cousin is completely negligible.

CrispyLettuce's avatar
Yup, it's about as dangerous as having baby at an old age. You can also get genetic counseling to help prevent any issues that might actually arise.
DannyMechanist's avatar
Cool. Not that I want to marry in the family. I already have a girlfriends who I wish to marry. But it's good info nonetheless
SadistSkunk's avatar
I know, but he is pretty likely to already be a bit inbred himself.

I've owned animals that were a few generations of inbred with cousins,
and it clearly wasn't too good for their genepool.
Most turn out okay, but quite a few of them aren't healthy.
I have no problems with it if it's a distant cousin, but first cousins is not
a good idea to repeat over several generations.
Bumsy's avatar
He mentioned in this thread that his parents are first cousins. So yeah, it would pile on.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
I think it's a bit different species by species (I've heard that mice can breed with full siblings/parents with relatively few repercussions) but yeah, doing it repeatedly without adding new blood every now and then would be bad a idea.
SadistSkunk's avatar
That's just something that people that breed animals like that say to justify it for themselves.
I've had gerbils and their breeders said the same thing. The vet disputed everything they said
when I brought them in because of severe epilepsy and various other health problems.