Blocking can only do so much.

TheCunningCondor's avatar
As many of you may already know, for the past year or two, I've been having to deal with dozens of death threats on a daily basis, many from people I don't even know.

Of course, I block these people, but the principle is that there is a large number of people who legitimately want me dead all because... who the fuck knows. Some have used my locations as threats, forcing me to move to a different one and quite frankly, what pisses me off the most is the lack of support I'm getting in this endeavor.

It makes me feel like the entire world is just watching me suffer and waiting for me to kill myself.
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Rhapsodna's avatar
Well you tried
city-of-chicago's avatar
"As many of you may already know, for the past year or two, I've been having to deal with dozens of death threats on a daily basis"

Not to be cold, but if you're serious and not just playing a joke, this wasn't a good way to start your post. Most people in a forum won't even know who you are, and even if they do, they won't have been following any drama in which you've been caught. Starting a post that way means that you're less likely to be taken seriously.

Please see this comment. Also, if this is a real situation that you're describing, I assume that you've had the good sense to remove photos of yourself from the Internet, and to remove as many links between your pages on DeviantArt and your pages elsewhere as possible? Also, try to avoid referring to yourself as "The Cunning Condor" elsewhere, and don't use your real name on this site.

If somebody is cyberstalking you, what he'll probably do is go looking for things on your page that mark you as you (such as that user id), and then god looking for recurrences of them on other sites. Having found them, he'll then see what else he can glean about you on those other locations, so try to have as little overlap between what you have posted on one site and what you have on another as possible. The good news is that trolls don't tend to be very bright, so your baddy's inductive skills might not be that good, but if your life really is being threatened, why risk it?

One other thing - the complaints section mostly is a joke section, collaborate surrealist comic theater or something like that. I remember somebody calling it "4chan lite." If you are being threatened, sorry to hear about that, but often what you're going to get on this board is trolling from people who will assume that you're here to play. If you are here to play - you got me. If not, then please know that the whole world is not waiting for you to kill yourself. At least one total stranger is saying "please don't."

Nothing is hopeless, at least not yet. But if you've just passed the tenth floor of a building having jumped off of the 50th, well - then things are going to be looking kind of bad at that point, so let's not go there.
TheCunningCondor's avatar
I just assumed constant complaining had grown tiresome for some people.

And yes, I avoid using my image on the web. For two primary reasons; the cyber stalkers, and I prefer for people to see me for my art rather than my face. I don't use my real name. Ever.

Trust me, people HAVE followed me elsewhere. :/
city-of-chicago's avatar
I can believe that. I've had cyberstalkers, myself. There are a lot of mentally unstable people with Internet connections.

Just don't make the mistake of assuming that the drama of a few crazy people is on the minds of even a large minority of the users on a site, usually. Being cyberstalked has become a disgustingly common experience, and so while the intensity of the experience might make you think that you're holding center stage in a way that you really shouldn't want to, this is seldom the case.

The good news is that this means that a lot of BS is easier to walk away from that you might think. Not all of it, but a lot of it. Sometimes, if you just ignore these people, they will go away. Have you done something that would make you stand out, and into the subject of controversy?
TheCunningCondor's avatar
Other than saying I hate porn, not really. Like I said before, the staff of the message boards that banned me for not drawing NSFW bullshit sent the community to harass me, so...
city-of-chicago's avatar
Wow. They banned you for not drawing nudes. That's weird.

I can vouch for the insanity of some of the porn lovers on this site, though. I had somebody absolutely go off on me because I said that I wanted to be able to view artistic nudes without having to look at porn. I didn't even say that I wanted porn to be banned on this site. I suggested having a separate category for it, and allowing us (as users) to opt to see artistic figure studies while leaving porn blocked from view on our screens. Just the thought that I personally didn't want to view a zoom in shot of somebody's genitalia was enough to get the guy to go crazy.

Some people really have issues.
TheCunningCondor's avatar
While if I was in charge, I would prohibit porn to be uploaded, that would no doubt cause a fuss.

I suppose to keep people from going nuts, I'd just give them a certain categorization and would have them filtered out in searches if the user so desires. Kinda like having the option to put pornographic art in the Ignore option (Mature Content: Off is different because not all Mature uploads are pornographic)
city-of-chicago's avatar
"that would no doubt cause a fuss"

It's tempting, given the douchebag behavior that we're seeing out of the aficionados, who seem to see concessions as being nothing more than an invitation to make more demands.
CrimeRoyale's avatar
... Uh, sure, as I may already know.
Kellodrawsalot's avatar
From what I see on the your front page isn't a lot of people attacking you for dissing porn it's about the issues you have with promoting your art?
TheCunningCondor's avatar
It's on and off DA.
Kellodrawsalot's avatar
What's the issue with you and promoting your art all about ? you don't want to comment or look at other people's work?
TheCunningCondor's avatar
Kellodrawsalot's avatar you do promote your work and give feedback/comments to other users as well on DA? 
TheCunningCondor's avatar
On occasion. I'm somewhat reclusive.
KikiNeko3's avatar
"As many of you may already know, for the past year or two, I've been having to deal with dozens of death threats on a daily basis, many from people I don't even know."

...Wait, ik you? 
TOP Crazy 
ThatAnnoyingRabbit's avatar
They made a post once about this some time ago in HWL.
They're just exaggerating on the "many of you" part. :XD:
Elgrig's avatar
Really? About porn and stuff? Really? Really?
triplechin's avatar
there is no way I'm not missing something here.
CaninePrince's avatar
As others have said, death threat is a serious offense to dA's term of use. They have to be reported. At least IP block from the dA admins will deter some (although probably not all) of of the goons.
Morals2liveby's avatar
Dude, that's messed up! Have you tried telling the police about this?