New ADD med XC

pragtige's avatar
I really don't like adderall at all. It's not working very well for me, in fact it seems to be barely working at all, and that's super frustrating with my finals being next week. BLARGGGG
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MatRou's avatar
Adderall gave me arrhythmia, literally scarring my heart.

MelodyMoose's avatar
I was on that stuff a while ago. It affected my sleep so much that I'd sometimes pass out for hours. Nothing could wake me up and I'd miss work shifts. It didn't help that those shifts were at 3am and I was going to school full time. I pushed myself way too hard.
World-Hero21's avatar
I feel your frustrations...After two weeks of taking adderall, it stopped working almost altogether. Concerta is a bit better...At least the side-effects are much more mild. :bucktooth:
JeweledFaerie's avatar
adderal gave my fiance bright's disease
pragtige's avatar
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Get off the meds.
natetheninja23's avatar
waste not a single second without it
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
That could be a new religion. Crotchism
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pragtige's avatar
Jazzercise it is
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Don't forget the body glitter
pragtige's avatar
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
not working how also I hear orange juice fucks up amphetamines
CrimeRoyale's avatar
Have you tried a smack upside the head?
MaxHitman's avatar
How old are you?
You are taking Medication for what?
Ask yourself -  do you REALLY need the meds?
Life is so much better without such medication - unless you really have a serious disease that needs medication.

the only time in my life I have ever taken a pill is when I get a cold in winter time, but even then, I just try to cure it with
drinking lots of tea and orange juice at meal time. Within 2 days the cold and constipation is gone.

Try not to take so many pills. Its really not healthy for you - UNLESS you have a serious disease.
World-Hero21's avatar
This isn't a disease that can be dealt with like a common cold.

I'm 23 years old with moderate ADD. Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD is the same thing, only without the hyperactivity) is a mental condition. And most mental disorders are permanent. They can never be "cured" like a disease. The only thing you can do is to keep the symptoms controlled by whatever methods work the best.

I've tried everything under the sun to control my concentration problems on my own and nothing worked. So medication gives a bit extra help. Just drinking tea and orange juice is not going to do shit at all for a mental disorder.
BS-ADOPTS's avatar
As a person who suffers from a learning disability, ( known as ADD. ) taking medication helped me some. You can take medications for help.
JeweledFaerie's avatar
"Life is so much better without such medication - unless you really have a serious disease that needs medication."
the only time in my life I have ever taken a pill is when I get a cold in winter time"

colds are completely serious diseases, but mental illnesses that affect you for your whole life and can seriously impede basic function? nah.

dude seriously, if anyone's on something like adderal, they tried other shit first :lmao: it's a restricted drug. they don't just hand shit like that out for no reason.
rosa-arcoiris's avatar
It takes time to adjust to new meds. Wait it out and see if they help more, if not, go back to your doctor and see if you can find something else that works for you.
Cethlenn's avatar
My medications are assholes. They put you on one, then on another to deal with the side effects of the previous one and another to fix the issues with the second one. I think one of the meds, lamotrogine made my seizures worse. I'm changing my diet to deal with it. I hope it works since I'm on five medications and I don't want more.