No, that's not really helping, thanks.

niswaen's avatar
My other complaint fell off the main page so I'm allowing myself to write a new one about some other insignificant bullshit, because complaining about the things in my life that are actually worth complaining about would be boring.

I get uncomfortable very, very easily when it comes to some things. The biggest thing that gives me the heebie-jeebies is when people gloop unwarranted praise, attention or the like onto me. Fuck that. If it was mild, like, "Hey, I like this painting you did!", then that's getting to be all right, but it's still a bit weird for some reason. Over the internet it's easier, but in real life, hell no.

What's also weird, and creepy, and completely unwanted and unasked for is when I sign onto Facebook (not really a "Facebook, there's your problem" thing as this could happen on a lot of sites) and I find that my step-father has uploaded an entire album of the shittiest paintings I've done that he could possibly have found, all from like two or three years ago. Included with all this was like a page-long "inspirational speech" about how talented and multi-skilled I am and how I need to believe in myself and how my paintings are the best in the universe and how everyone else is shit, or maybe their paintings might be more "technically skilled" but they don't have my HEAAAARTTT. Basically a big text-wall of "GURL DON'T LET BITCHES BRING YOU DOWNNNN."

I should have come to a point in my life where I expect this shit from certain people I know, but Jesus Christ, I clearly have not yet. So now my entire newsfeed is filled with the individual paintings he has uploaded, and each of those paintings has been commented on by multiple random fucking strangers talking about what a beautiful fucking soul I have. Fuck you people, you don't know me or my soul. I'm sure you people all think you're doing me a big goddamn favor boosting my confidence and telling me my shit doesn't stink, but guess what, not everybody fucking wants that. Eugh. No. Stop talking about me and tagging me every single time my name is written. I no want et. It is weird and uncomfortable for me and if anything it makes me want to not-paint even more.

I get why he did it; he thinks he's helping me. That's nice and all, but I've told him time and time again that the best way of helping me is NOT doing this shit. I've recently had an "experience" that has shaken my artistic confidence and now I don't want to paint so much anymore. That's cool. It's happened before and it'll happen again. It goes away on its own. I don't need this kind of attention drawn to it for fuck's sake.

Bonus: because of all this, my boyfriend's mom, who is also on my and my step-father's FB friend list, is now also posting my shit everywhere and talking about how much she wishes she has my "talent," holy crap. I don't know why I tell people I don't like this kind of attention, they seem to relish in giving me it :lol:

And because I'm tired of just getting mad and not doing anything about it like a pussy, I wrote on the album that if they want to say all this nice shit, that's fine, but please stop tagging me because it makes me uncomfortable and I want to pretend it's not there. I said it even nicer than that. But I can see that he's replied and I've become a pussy again because I don't want to read whatever probably-offended thing he wrote :stare:

TL;DR: Most types of attention makes me uncomfortable, FB family likes "helping" me by writing unwanted "inspirational" speeches about me and bringing in strangers to talk about how wonderful I am, ew.

If you don't want to comment and tell me how shit I am (I do kind of need a lot of that to negate all the sickening positivity), go ahead and art whore awesome stuff instead :eager: Looking at art kind of makes me feel sick recently but immersion therapy might kick me into the right direction :dummy:
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Maj0rMareMolester's avatar
Your "art" is all shit, baby. <3

You stopped being a pussy by being a pussy and then went bigger pussy by not continuing the `trying not to be a pussy` thing. :lol: Fucking classic.
niswaen's avatar
Tell him that. I've tried and he yells at me :shrug:

Too much pussyception for one comment.
Maj0rMareMolester's avatar
Send me a link to said collection page and I'll spam the fuck out of it with how shitty it is.

Gotta love that pussy. You can never have enough.
niswaen's avatar
You could pretty much do that with my actual gallery on here, I think his page and albums are all private :ohnoes:
Maj0rMareMolester's avatar
Why would I make negative comments here? That's not me, brah.
niswaen's avatar
You're right, your far too sweet and polite, like a teddy bear :ohnoes:
Maj0rMareMolester's avatar
NebulaDreams's avatar
What your step-father is doing is like taking a simple ready made coffee, and layering it with 100 too many toppings. It would have been fine in a small quantity (even if it's too sweet at first), but with all the syrups and shavings thrown together, it's an awful, sickly, messy mess. Especially if everyone else has a chance to do the same thing and share it on a widespread basis.
niswaen's avatar
That is actually a great way of explaining it :lol:
NebulaDreams's avatar
Because sometimes, drink related analogies (and/or similes) are the best! La la la la 
phoenixleo's avatar
From reading this, it looks like they are at the stage of 'overly supporting and trying to inspire/motivate you to death' now. Kind of like parents sharing their kids' pictuers, whatever they drew, and what not stage. One doesn't necessarily tell a 5 year old to fix perspective, and gives motivation and what not, so they might think that's what to do with your work in social media. I wonder if they will go down a notch later on if you create a post with your recent works that asks for feedback and how you can improve, getting contacts, etc which will give them an idea of what you are looking out for. They are quite energetic at it, and the people who are in their friend's list that you don't know are part of the showing it off to the world, word-of-mouth positive thing deal I guess. Something like you are looking for commission, and what you would do, family portraits or something along those lines, that you want right now, that you want now could then be what they could share as well and those people could be interested in contacting you - professionally of course and not the 'I know your dad, can I have a discount/free' shenanigan. Those people who 'wish they had talent' and likes who are commenting/liking are likely to commission you with something if they want something specially  made by you or know people who would or fair contacts and what not.

If they do post your new works (if you hint at it that is), that could notch up the whole talent, improvement deal but at least everyone would see how you have improved and your new works and the reach of it.

Also, create a Facebook page for your artwork and let them share that, discuss things so people would see that aspect more. A professional or finalized side of your works that while others can praise and do whatever, will also mean what you write and put there will also have an effect on those seeing it even if they see it from others.

How does he have your old works to upload? o___O

- Humor wise, it looks like they are the overly attached motivational Tumblr users, or the Facebook version of it. I was wondering yesterday what would adults do if they had Tumblr (those who are in Facebook or none at all in any social media), and this looks like they could be part of that sector. :giggle:

*I may be going off topic and I don't know anything else that may have happened between you and them, so the whole dynamic could be different with those other things in line. so ignore if wanted -_- *
niswaen's avatar
I've considered creating an official Facebook page for my work, but I never thought I was good enough to make such a page for myself -- so before now I've just uploaded a couple of random works up now and then, but now until I decide to make an actual facebook page for it I've decided to have those albums made private. I doubt that this kind of over-praise would go down if I asked critiques or how I may improve; I have done that in the past and he told me to stop thinking like that because I don't need to change anything :no:

I guess it'd be good to set up an official facebook page in the future though, for the sake of further commission advertisement. Then also if they feel like giving weird amounts of attention to anything I've done, I can tell them to direct it to that page instead of publicizing my oldest crap on their page without asking :stare: As for how he has my old works, I had an interview recently that required looking at my portfolio, so I was going through a lot of my old stuff I did at uni to sift through what was good enough to show for the interview (along with more recent things). What he posted on facebook was all stuff that was in my old portfolio, stuff that I had decided NOT to show for the interview! :lol:

Oh god, he doesn't have a Tumblr (as far as I know) but he's totally the facebook version of it. All he does is post 20-30 "motivational pictures" (which are basically just shiny nature photos with Ghandi quotes on them) all day and tag people in them, eugh. I can't de-friend him or he would find out very quickly as he just sits on facebook all day, so I've made it so that his stuff doesn't show up on my feed normally, but if he tags me in everything then I'm fucked :crying:
K-Koji's avatar
 I get you.

 I actually HIDE my artwork from my family a lot lol. I only show them a few pieces here and there in a controlled environment. Same with irl friends. And that's with recent artwork that I'm ok with for now.
 If my father or friend or anyone started spamming social media with my old garbage I'd be mortified.  Sure, your stepfather is trying to be "supportive", but in a way, he's kind of being selfish. If he was truly supportive, he would get by now that you're sensitive about your art. The last thing you do when people are sensitive about something is shine a flood light on it and start calling attention to it with a circus act.
  He's doing whatever he thinks you should appreciate, and trying to show the world what a great guy he is. But in the end, he's just not listening :hmm:
niswaen's avatar
It looks like I may have to hide a lot of my stuff from now on! I've made the albums with a couple of my works on facebook private and am trying to get him to remove his album of my shitty paintings, ah god.

That's an interesting way to put it, and from what I know of him, calling it a form of selfishness seems very accurate. He seems to like to try and motivate others in a way that makes him feel better about himself for "helping" rather than make the other person feel motivated or confident. He very much likes to feel like he's made a difference by being the motivator, the inspirational speaker, the spiritual guru, but he's just really bad at all of those things and also really bad at being able to tell that his efforts are not wanted because they're often borderline creepy.

He is a terrible listener though, ahaha. He's had "discussions" with either me or my mom that is literally twenty minutes of him telling us why we're ungrateful bitches and how we need to listen to him and accept his efforts to make us better people, and my mom and I just sit there staring at him and not speaking (I've tried speaking in the past but we just get talked over or shut down immediately), and then at the end he nods, puts his hand on our shoulders and says, "I feel like we've had a really good talk just now." WE DIDN'T EVEN TALK :lol:
K-Koji's avatar
 He also seems to be suffering from Massive Ego Syndrome.

 It's not quite the same, but I dated a guy for like, 4 weeks not to long ago who thought he was all those things; a spiritual guru, an inspirational speaker, a visionary leader, a compassionate motivator etc etc.
  But in the 4 weeks I knew him he started explaining everything to me.. about everything- even my own artwork ( which I only showed him ONE painting.. then he told me what I should be painting instead subject matter wise).  Then he explained to me what it was like in Japan. Because he had a stop-over in Tokyo for a whole 24 hours once. So he was an expert. Me having japanese family and living there for 12 years of my life was just nothing compared to his masterful sense of perception so it needed to be explained to me. As did the basic concept of Buddhism (he was jewish). Oh yes. And he was a "Shaman".
  I remember him trying to "educate" one of my female friends about her period. LOL That went over well...

 So one day I let him have it, and "explained" to him that he was a actually an egotistical douchebag obsessed with himself, who only had time to go "find himself" in the woods for 3 month vacations because his rich dad is still paying his rent in that posh building, and that he was a judgmental prat with no social awareness. 

 I also suggested that he go into a large group of PMSing lesbians and please..PLEASE explain to them that the reason they suffer from pms is their own fault. I'll make sure to wear a rain coat so the the spray from his beating didn't get on my clothes.

 I hate people like that. You take care! lol :hug:
niswaen's avatar
Holy shitttt that sounds so creepily similar to my step-dad it is scary! :lol: Everything, even down to the explaining of things! He likes to try and explain to me how I'm feeling, just based on what expression happened to be on my face at the time. I have "resting bitch face," so my face might look annoyed or something when I'm really just not feeling or thinking anything (usually while reading), and he will come up and harass me about what a bitch I'm being and try and tell me how to think positively because there's nothing to be upset about, and he WILL NOT believe me when I try to explain that I'm fucking fine! :lol:

And the 24 hours in Tokyo sounds achingly familiar as well -- he is one of the people who will Wikipedia something and then suddenly know everything about it. He claims to have a university degree in "life" and thinks he's a psychologist because he has a book about reading emotions (which, as stated, he completely sucks at). Oh god :lmao:

Unfortunately he's got all the power in the house and as much as my mom would like to give HIM some "explaining," he's the one paying the bills and he has kicked her out in the past for not doing laundry correctly, so no one wants to rock the boat :stare: I'm luckily out of there now, but I think my mom has a spot of the beaten-woman-syndrome, because through all these years she's stayed with him and forgives him for what she knows is his absolute bullshit attitude. To his credit he has gotten somewhat less crazy in recent months, but he still loses it and gets very verbally or emotionally abusive sometimes. He recently had a nervous breakdown though and is slowly piecing himself back together, and according to my mom, things are leveling out a bit. Still, there's no way in hell I'd stay with him for ten years, Jesus Christ :stare:

I shall! It's sooo much easier not living with him anymore, it's just when he starts to get "inspirational" on facebook that pisses me off :hug:
K-Koji's avatar
 Can you unfollow his post on facebook? Or would that just lead to more head aches than its worth?

 And sorry for your mom :[. That's sad.
niswaen's avatar
I suck and don't actually know how to unfollow a post once I've been tagged in it and in several of its goddamn comments (whyyy do people feel the need to turn every name-drop into an actual tag, for god's sake we know who we're talking about, we don't ALL need to tag!), but that should theoretically be fine so long as he doesn't think I've de-friended him or something :ohnoes:

Indeed. Unfortunately she's been raised in such a way that she's more used to unhappiness than happiness, so it seems as if she prefers to be a little unhappy in her life because it's "easier" for her than it would be to try and change it for the better. I've asked her why she doesn't leave him, and she just shrugs and says it would be too much effort :( She also has a lot of medical issues though, including having recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, so with her being unable to drive and needing to be taken to the doctor a lot from now on, I doubt she'll ever make moves towards a new future.
K-Koji's avatar
 :[ that's too bad.
SweetCandyCyanide's avatar
That sucks. Hopefully facebook will figure something out. (Hah, what am I saying? Facebook sucks :dummy:
niswaen's avatar
I used to upload WIPs and paintings and stuff on there for fun, but I've privatized all of those albums now. I'm going to try to ask facebook really nicely to take down his album of my stuff but lol facebook :no:
CRAZED20's avatar
I have a habit of posting WIP to facebook, then eventually the complete works. Interestingly, my crazy relatives, mostly a couple aunts, respond to the WIP's in all caps going "OMG MYI:ES YOUR SO TALENTED WOW AMAZING SO WOW" and not even ironically. Then they go ahead and share that WIP, no matter how shitty the stage, and it gets all over the place, and gets all this praise. Now, I like to post WIP's so my friends can tell me what to fix, which they do, and thats nice. But that is just one of two outcomes. I'll respond to crazy relative and say "thank you, but its only in progress. The final piece will be much different, I'll post soon". They respond to that with: "DONT EVER UNDER:ESTEMATE YOURSELF OMG STPP". Like. What?

Anyway, my point is, almost any artist has those crazy family members, relatives, etc who will embarrass the living shit out of you. You just need to get used to it, It's part of putting a product out into the world and being related to people. You will never escape. adapt.

Now, getting to your step father, I've read though some comments here, and it could be his actions in the past are what really is hurting you, not the facebook shit. That is simply a reason for you to express the anger, resentment, etc. I've had bad experiences with step parents too, mostly my stepmom, who once clawed at my door until her fingers were bleeding. The truth is, that results in some serious PTSD which is EXTREMELY common, many people have it, and it is mostly caused by stressful home life, not bombs and shit going off (which I also have PTSD for, but that is another story).

Just keep a low profile with him, don't respond, don't feed into it. I don't know how old you are, or how long until you can be on your own, but just remind yourself that eventually, you WILL make your own environment, and will get to choose the people who embarrass you, which is much nicer. Trust me.
niswaen's avatar
PTSD sounds a bit dramatic for what I feel. I've always been like this, and not just with him. When I was a little kid, my aunt was over-praising me for something and I got so embarrassed that I punched her in the face. It's become a funny story now, but when people praise me too much for anything, I'd rather be anywhere but there and they seem to think I'm being ungrateful when I don't think it's ungrateful to just not want to hear bullshit all day long.

However, I have heard that PTSD is much more common than previously thought, so I may have to look into that. Even though I no longer see him all the time, whenever I'm with him I feel very scared that I'm going to say or do something wrong and set him off. Maybe there's more going on in my brain than I had considered :no:

I don't live with them anymore, but I made the mistake of adding him on facebook ages ago and he's one of those people who RAISE HELL if you de-friend them. And whenever he gets mad at me, he takes it out on my mom, so I've kept him on there and just try to ignore him. I just didn't expect to log on and find my newsfeed exploded with shit that I've been tagged in :stare:
CRAZED20's avatar
PTSD has many, many different levels and manifestations, there is very mild, and there is very, very life debilitating. Mild would be something like being afraid to speak in certain situations/being afraid that A will always lead to B/ winching at firecrackers. Severe would be what people seem to think of PTSD in its entirety (straightjackets, flashbacks, etc). The latter is actually super rare.

Other than that, with your discomfort of being praised... sadly its just something you really NEED to get over. Seriously, as an artist, you need to be receptive of all kinds of feedback. Negative, positive, cultlike, death threats, etc. Ok not the last two, but you get my meaning. Understand that taking praise and criticism is actually fundamental to your personal and artistic growth, otherwise, you can be in danger of stagnating.