The Death Penalty, "Yay" or "Nay."

tyidaku's avatar
I don't even know if this even goes into "complaints," but

I'm just trying to get a clear comprehension as to what some of you may think, but I was in a debate about The death penalty and of course, there was a side that supported it and a handful who obviously didn't. I mean to be honest, I don't support it, but that's my personal opinion. Murder is murder. I don't comprehend the whole concept of trying to prove murder is wrong, by turning around and murdering the murderer. It's like, hypocrisy. 

There are some individuals who fail to be deemed "mentally ill" and they're still placed on death row. I mean, you can't treat those who are mentally unable of supporting themselves and differentiating right from wrong. I don't think it's very "fair," but then again, we're in America. However, I'm sure this happens worldly. 

Reminds me of a saying, 

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

I'm just saying, you can't treat everyone the same based on their mental capability. Some individuals don't have dysfunctions within their neural brain cells, however, others do, and I believe they shouldn't be treated the same as others who know right from wrong because it's a disability.  

I guess you can say my complaint is:
"What's the point of the death penalty?!"…DPIC
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Corvalian's avatar
Anyone who supports the death penalty in America should know that it costs the country more to put someone to death than it does to imprison them for life. I used to support it until I learned this, and then it seemed completely pointless to me. Especially since I think I'd rather die myself than spend the rest of my life in prison, so in a way you're showing them more mercy through execution.
tyidaku's avatar
Microscopics-UNTD's avatar
For South Africa.... YAY! 
Microscopics-UNTD's avatar
Too much murders here. 
tyidaku's avatar
Well, there will always be murderers. Killing murderers will only create more. It's an ongoing cycle. 
Microscopics-UNTD's avatar
They took South Africa's death penalty due to racism. 
TheRavenousRaven's avatar
Nay. For 2 reasons.

1) As long as a death penalty system is established, the risk of executing the innocent will always remain. 

2) The death penalty has proven to be an ineffective deterrent against reducing crime. In fact, several states that practice capital punishment experience higher homicide rates than those that don't.
tyidaku's avatar
Thank you for your insight and proven a well-known fact. 
fleshtrain's avatar
If somebody's shot like...20 people, a death penalty is a good idea. But in other cases, the death penalty is....ehhh. not the best course of action.
JustANerd47's avatar
Nay. Death penalty is actually expensive compared to just keeping them in jail. Anyways, if the person actually did something HORRIBLE, don't you think they'd suffer more if you locked 'em in a cell for life and never fed them? That sounds like a better way to do it to me. :/
ILoveNug's avatar
Yes,some perverts or dangerous people who commited cruel crime had to be killed.We have to protect innocent people from.them.
CorroArts's avatar
Yay, Like for scum like pedophiles, serial rapists and serial killers or terrorists :nod:
tyidaku's avatar
Thank you for your feedback. 
CorroArts's avatar
vindictiveslayer's avatar
Nay, if the crime isn't as serious as it should be.
Life imprisonment in solitary confinement is much worse if you think about it.
tyidaku's avatar
Agreed. I actually went over this in a previous conversation. Death would just be an easy escape for the inmate. 
61021376's avatar
Death penalty is not murder.
tyidaku's avatar
61021376's avatar
Logic. Justice gives it. If the justice is not fair it's exactly like a murder though. Do you doubt justice's fairness?
tyidaku's avatar
If I didn't doubt the system, I wouldn't have started this thread. 
61021376's avatar
All the system or just whether the accused is guilty or not?
tyidaku's avatar
A large fraction of the system is flawed. 
61021376's avatar
I believe it. They're just humans too.