Discipline Your Fucking Kids!

sanjouin-dacapo's avatar
A ten-year-old murdered a 90-year-old woman for yelling at him to get out of her room. What the fuck. Parents need to discipline their kids, and the authorities need to stop telling parents to not spank their kids. I don't know what you think about the death penalty for a kid. Me? I think he needs to be in prison for life.

This is just unspeakably evil... killing a defenseless old woman. Why? Why would a kid just up and do that? *cries*
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tilemaxosbra's avatar
I'm not sure if I can respond to this.
shuryukan's avatar
Prison for life?

That's a bit harsh. Sure, he wasn't taught very well growing up, but you're not even giving him a chance at redemption. Have him be taught properly, and don't let him near any weapons or objects that may cause harm. He might just be able to turn into a well disciplined young man in the future; it heavily depends on the environment he grows up in.

Also, discipline isn't the answer to everything. 
Believe it or not, it has a long term negative affect on children. My brother and I were 'disciplined' harshly for every little mistake of ours, and believe me, all those years only built up more rage and resentment.
DoujinEevee168's avatar
Damn the kids these days... Blame our humans for having large emphasis on self-esteem, pride, and dominance than morality and tolerance. Their self-centered, close-minded, prideful behaviour and dominance disallowed the receivement of suggestive and constructive criticisms, leading them to do something negative like "kill whatever they want". We humans made them. Isn't?
sanjouin-dacapo's avatar
It looks like it. My parents taught me far better than that. Also, back in the fifties, there was a show called "The Andy Griffith Show". In one episode, Opie accidentally shot a mother bird, and he actually felt sorry for doing it. He was crying, and he cared for the babies so they wouldn't die. I wish that shows today would depict more stable families and children who respected their parents.
Keabun's avatar
So you're using a mentally instabile child as a example of bad parenting? ok... ;O
Ashley-4849's avatar
You cant discipline away mental illness. I wasn't spanked and I turned out more morally strong then most of my peers. Clearly the child is sick, not evil, doesn't deserve life in prison but instead he needs help. Yes, what he did was wrong, yes the old woman probably didnt deserve what happened to her. But calling the kid evil when clearly he needs help isn't cool either
yakkette's avatar
I think the kid is a sociopath^°^°^.
CaninePrince's avatar
Wow, the 'spanking' line apparently caught everyone's attention.

Well, as a child, I was not spanked. I got lectures instead... and slaps. Emphasis on the latter, turns out I'm fine though, but I honestly thought what I learnt more is fear to the authority that I shouldn't repeat, although then I turned defiant at times as teen, seeing it as betrayal. But then again, fear of the authority, I was subject to it. And while I'm honestly a repeat offender on softer ways, I learn to hate this approach. Remembering it makes me feel labile, I want to forget it....

It's worth noting that apparently privilege-threatening straightened me more in the past.

So, nah... this child needs a psychiatrist.
kumapastrychef's avatar
Adults kill people all the time, what is so horrible about a kid killing someone?
Sinornithosaurus's avatar
Adults rarely kill other people for yelling at them :)
kumapastrychef's avatar
Some do, actually. 
kumapastrychef's avatar
Well, not all children kill people, some do.

Adults kill people over everything. 
Pinkmitten's avatar
Holy shit, this thread sure has a lot of replies. Gonna take some time to read into them. :p Any one got some spark notes? Lol

This is a tragedy on both sides. We don't know how this kid grew up and how the parents disciplined him so I think we should not be so quick to assume he didn't receive it any form. It could be a whole of factors into why this kid came to be the way he is. :shrug:
Pinkmitten's avatar
Interesting, on your comment with links to those studies. :o
 I thought the increase of crimes from certain decades (and in certain countries) was partly due to the popularity of drugs like cocaine. 

Am I wrong? Lol 
two-wheel-bicycle's avatar
I'm sure there are a number of reasons :lol: But it sure as fuck has nothing to do with spanking

Crime rates were rising consistently since 1950, in four countries, yet she claimed it was solely due to the spanking ban in Sweden in 1979. It's hilarious
Pinkmitten's avatar
Yea, yea. That can't be right. 
Crazylittleloon's avatar
You can't discipline crazy. :B
rockstar1009's avatar
Between this thread and your last one on child molesters, it's plainly evident you have no grasp whatsoever on mental health and have zero authority to dictate behaviour to anyone. :B
sanjouin-dacapo's avatar
Kids can be taught self-control and accountability. I heard about this incident from watching a video on The Advise Show TV channel on youtube, and I agree with the host on this.
SAVALISTE's avatar
in prison for life for a 10 year old?? Firstly what if he's not in the correct mind set to understand what he actually did.. granted yes he probably did know but there are a lot of kids that are very how shall I say.. like kids! Yes parents need to discipline their children but for this child to be in a murderous mind I doubt any kind of punishing would have changed his future.. what if he never did anything wrong to of needed discipline and this was a first time random crazy offense..?  How do we know what went on behind closed doors.. what if this "defenseless" old woman raped him many times? There are a lot lot lot of what if's and missing information to slap such a penalty on a child especially 10.. you have 10 year olds that are brilliant like they're already 30 and you have 30 year olds who really act and are intellectually like a 10 year old so who knows what the hell is going on in this.........
sanjouin-dacapo's avatar
I highly doubt a 90-year-old woman who needs in-home care would rape a boy, and as for the penalty for attacking that woman, I don't know what kind of punishment he should get. He just needs to be away from society for awhile.
SAVALISTE's avatar
This is a crazy ass world and people lie, cheat and steal so I have no doubt in my mind that a 90 year old woman would do something to a child.. and you say in home care.. you're adding more to the story? Where are the links to the article....and away from society won't help him. He needs structure and learning and to be taught and maybe loved who knows what made him act out like that.