Random deviations are journals

tails2k4's avatar
Silly deviantart, when I click www.deviantart.com/random/devi… I get journal entries half the time
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TheVioletFox's avatar
Whoa, look who still lives.

It's been years since I've seen you post anything. How's life? (feel free to respond somewhere besides the complaint forums, and here's hoping you still recognize me with a different username).
tails2k4's avatar
Shadow Tails? I think that used to be your username, sorry if you didn't want to see those words!

YES that was it, 1414. No chance I'd forget about you, we chatted too much to be forgotten in just a couple of years. Well, probably half a decade. I certainly would not have recognized you by your current art, your years of training and hard work have improved your art so much that it's a complete transformation. Your profile says graduate, does that mean you went through with it and passed with flying colours? :D

Life has been all right :D, tough at times, fun at others. XD you're right, the complaints forum is perhaps not the best place to talk. If you want to, you can send a message some place else
Agent-Sarah's avatar
I thought my deviation stats were screwed up some years ago until I found out the site added them as deviations. At least that solved the confusion at the time...
tails2k4's avatar
You have like 400 journal entries, right?

That sure sounds like a huge difference in your number of deviations, upon the time that Deviantart changed this! Certainly something that leads to confusion

The byproduct of the conversion of journals to deviations indeed was that they were counted as such, and that my beloved random button leads to journals :noes:
Agent-Sarah's avatar
Last time I checked. :lol:
61021376's avatar
Well its the random button.
tails2k4's avatar
It's not just a random button, it's a random deviation button :D

Hell would break lose if it was really a random button. It could do anything!
KaneLivesInDeath's avatar

I got that for clicking the link you put :B
tails2k4's avatar
Good ^^!  , now click it approximately 20 times (which should give you 20 randomly chosen deviations), and you might see a couple of journal entries in those 20 clicks
DrawingWithFoxy's avatar
I don't see how it would be hard to make it so journals go into one special category, then make anything with that flag exempt from being picked by the random button. 
tails2k4's avatar
you're right!! spot on!!
DrawingWithFoxy's avatar
I think the staff are just kind of lazy, to be honest. 
tails2k4's avatar
not sure why they implemented journal entries into the same internal category as art

It might have been some sort of weird technical limitation, or a solution to an issue they were having.. but yeah, you're correct, it sounds kind of lazy
DrawingWithFoxy's avatar
As other people said, people wanted to be able to favorite journals and that's how they handled it. 
tails2k4's avatar
It sounds like a half-assed solution to an otherwise simple problem.

Instead of -adding- the ability to favourite a journal, they moved the entire journal part of the website into the art category (which can be favourited)

If that doesn't sound half-assed, then I don't know what is
DrawingWithFoxy's avatar
True, seems like it would have been easier to add a separate favorites section for journals. 
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DelSolTormenta's avatar
OMG YOU TOO??!! It's more like 9/10 times for me. And they're usually just one or two sentences from 2005.
tails2k4's avatar
Yeah, I agree with you. Lots of journals pop up, lots of really old journals that are no longer relevant to anyone

:( As much as I respect people's long-forgotten journal entries, I cannot see the as art and I cannot appreciate their presence in my hunt for random deviations to comment on
K-9-6-9's avatar
Ignore them then. 
tails2k4's avatar
I open 20 tabs of random deviations. ctrl+tab to go to the first, oh it's a journal, ctrl+w to close it. NEXT is also a journal, ctrl+w, next is a shitty snapshot of someone's cat, next is another journal :(. Jeez I need to open 20 tabs to make have 1 or 2 artwork that are worth commenting on

I remember from the past I'd open 20 tabs and comment on 5 of them, because there were no journals in them and far fewer random snapshots
K-9-6-9's avatar
I got artist works the first 3 times. 
tails2k4's avatar
K-9-6-9's avatar
BS-ADOPTS's avatar
I hate but like how you can fav journals, but it pisses me off when butt licker fan boys fav every single journal I upload.