Kids are Awful

Hashae's avatar
Okay so I'm just walking into Krogers, wanted to get me a few things because I had a case of the munchies. (No I do not smoke pot.) I grab me bag of Doritos sweet n spicy chili, a giant Hershey's cookies and cream bar, a 12 pack of BK cream soda and I head on to the self check out, right before I scan my Kroger's card I hear screaming and yelling. Thought it was a kids throwing a tantrum because they didn't their favorite cereal.

Well all know what's worse than that. A kid going off on their mother/father. This 9 or 10 year old is losing his shit just because his mom refuses to but him a party bag of sour patch kids. He then unleashes sailor talk like never before and his mother starts crying. He then calls his mother a sobbing whore and demands that she buys him the fucking giant ass bag of candy. 

I would attack the little shit but I since the mother would get pissed at me because I'm correcting the problem. I honestly believe kids need hands on them. My mom broke out the belt on my ass a good 3 dozen times and I came out a respectable person. Parents now a days don't have the backbone they used to. I just hope the kid says some shit to wrong grown up and he gets the belt. 

Long story short: Went for snacks, saw a kid verbally attack.
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GiftedlyStrange's avatar
My sister raises her daughter with the good old slaps and lectures, she's turned out beautifully.

A similar thing happened to me at Wal-Mart. I was shopping for feminine garments (use your imagination), and some little six year old boy runs in with a bra on his head, with his mom texting next to a rack. The boy runs up and starts slapping my leg, so I'm like: "Okay, little idiot wants to use my leg as a punching bag? Must need glasses."

Three minutes later, he's still at it, and it's beginning to ache like my leg's being fractured in the process. I try walking away, since I have what I want by now, and he clings to my leg; it's all I can do to make sure he doesn't bust his skull on a rack.

One week later, my leg is in a brace, since I have about six purple bruises on that leg. This is why I'm never having children.
dekka-chan's avatar
I'm scared to raise my kid in this world (got one in my belly right now.)

Seems like everything is "child abuse" now and it scares me... And then you send them to school where everyone gets trophies and teachers aren't allowed discipline...

Just pray I'll have a fairly well behaved child like my fiance and I both were...
kumapastrychef's avatar
dekka-chan's avatar
kumapastrychef's avatar

And I know you're lying.
dekka-chan's avatar
Noooo, really?

(I just blame 3 years of sea duty and being on a small ship with mostly men... Ha ha. But seriously my baby is kicking me and ow.)
pinkandpurple13's avatar
It would have been interesting if you had gotten involved in some way. But I guess it's better if you don't. If I become a parent, I'll never let my kid boss me around like that. 
Hashae's avatar
asheissketchy's avatar
I'm 27 and would still lose my shit if somebody refused me a party bag of Sour Patch Kids.

Team kid.
Hashae's avatar
:iconbitchpleaseplz: You doing that shows you're a kid in a grown ups body. You make me feel more mature than you.
RhiannonWithAnR's avatar
My brother has a form of autism, so he doesn't really understand why things are the way they are, and doesn't believe the world runs the way it does. Every day it's a never ending battle of "i want this, give me this, why can't i have this." My mom goes on to explain she doesn't have money, which more often than not is the case. To which he goes off in a cursing rage and sometimes even gets violent.

Sometimes you don't know what's going on, maybe that child has a mental illness as well.

But mostly kids nowadays are little shits.
Hashae's avatar
I'd understand if kids were autistic, I wouldn't be tripping then. but yeah nowadays kids can be devious.
EggNogtheEgghead's avatar
It really depends on the kid though. My Mum spanked me once, and for ages after, I was terrified of her, and would flinch when ever she went near me. Mind you, it probably didn't help that I hate being touched. Anyway, what I'm saying, is that while some kids might react positively to being punished physically (i.e. start behaving), others will be negatively affected, like for instance me. It's a good idea to know how your kid will react to certain punishments, so you can punish them in a way that will reach them, but won't leave them traumatised. After all, kids are people too, and no person reacts the same way. You can't have a one size fits all solution.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
It's hard to be a parent these days. If you spank your kids it's only a matter of time until some busybody reports you to CPS. Spanking is pretty much off the table at this point. And god knows time-outs are useless. So what the hell are you supposed to do?

My only strategy (which I learned from when my sister was still small) is to be firm. If you say "no" then you have to mean it. If the kid wants to throw a fit (if you're in a public place then you obviously have to take them home first) then you just have to let them. Eventually they figure out that it doesn't work and they give up that strategy. But a depressing amount of people can't seem to do this. The kid only has to cry for a few minutes before their parents give in. (It really is a test of endurance/will) So then you get kids like this who know they have more power than their parent.

I wouldn't write off all kids as being terrible. Some of them are, sure. But I blame it more on the fact that social constraints make it really hard to discipline your kids. So some people just... don't do it.
Typical-Dumb-Redneck's avatar
My fiance's little brother is 5. He wakes up at 6:00 AM shouting and hollering, and if a commercial comes on TV he throws a fit and screams until the show comes back on.
He also shits on the kitchen floor. And I don't know what to do. He isn't my kid and when I do try to talk to him he completely ignores me. My fiance will spank him but the kid goes right back to doing what he was spanked for.
Shit, I'm glad we moved out and got our own place. That kid is nuts.

Shame that his mom is a meth whore who can't stay out of jail and was always leaving him by his self when she went out running the roads. I have no respect for scum like that.
I honestly feel bad for the kid.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
I feel bad for him too. My little sister was neglected a lot by our mother (alcoholic) when she was a toddler and as a result had a lot of behavioral issues too. It was pretty much up to the rest of us siblings to make sure she didn't grow up to be an asshole.

It's a shame that there's only so much you can do when it isn't your kid or immediate family. I hope either his mom gets some desperately needed assistance (aka a huge kick in the butt to get clean) or that he gets moved to a more stable home.
Typical-Dumb-Redneck's avatar
Aww that's no good. Alchohol can be a nightmare. :(

She's 40 years old and was never there for him because she was in jail all the time and that's where she is now.
We thought about taking Alex with us and giving him a happy life..yet again..
kuricurry's avatar
I think parents nowadays are a bit too nice.
Children become too spoiled and now think they 'deserve' a lot of things. 
When in fact, most things in life are 'earned' and not freely given.
Hashae's avatar
True dat sister. i wish grown ups had more back bone like they use to. They this generation is fucked up but they forget who's raising it.
x19a's avatar
Hashae's avatar
I know kids these days.
x19a's avatar
I really can't blame the mom for even considering that the kid might be a mistake.
Dark-Cynder117's avatar
My mom would drag you out the store, spank you when wwe got home, and then ground you for a week.