Why is it wrong to eat Smurfs?

UncleGargy's avatar
They are vermin. It would be a public service. Smushi could be thw answer to world hunger.
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Chiminix's avatar
Because they are asexual
Koushoku-jin's avatar
Well, you need to have a big side dish of...

Lor of the POTATOES by leovexx
EnriqueArreguin777's avatar
Isn't it kinda cannibal-listic? cx 
CourageoftheMagi's avatar
I don't know I always thought they tasted good with ketchup...
LaEmperatrizMariana's avatar
I think it's because they have to get caught from the wild and aren't like an endangered species? 
Cherari's avatar
I always imagined they tasted like Play-Doh.
kingofthedededes73's avatar
cause don't they turn into gold when dead right? and gold isn't exactly edible
UncleGargy's avatar
No, but you can buy good things with it.
itsQueenOfTheSilence's avatar
I have issues with my food being able to scream in English and talking to me as I bite their heads off. Honestly they probably don't taste that great. 
demonlight's avatar
I'd quite happily let you eat the smurfs, and the snorks and any other derivative of same. Boring fucking plotless cartoons. 
CrimeRoyale's avatar
It isn't.

UncleGargy's avatar
LizzyChrome's avatar
Like many, you are stunned into silence by that artist's amazing talent. Don't lose hope; with practice you may work up other level, someday.
LizzyChrome's avatar
The work of a master, my friend. Try your very best not to be envious.
AJGlass's avatar
The work of a master...

Maybe a master-bater. :bleh:
LizzyChrome's avatar
As matter of fact that's exactly what she is!
The-Hip-Death-Goddes's avatar
There's like a little over 100 of them left in the wild or something. That makes them critically endangered, like Tasmanian Devils (they both spread communicable diseases via biting!) That and since some Smurfs consider themselves your children, eating them would be kinda creepy.

Which makes me wonder, if you can make them, why not just farm them? You could say it's for conservation.