You just stole toys from sick children, asshole!

JZLobo's avatar
When my best friend moved out of state, she gave me the bulk of her Transformers collection. I kept the ones I wanted, and promised her that whatever I didn't want, I would donate to the next toy drive for my group, which dresses up as superheroes and gives toys to hospitalized children.

So this weekend, someone in the group organized a party/mini comicon/toy drive at a local venue, and I figured I might as well throw the Transformers in the box so I wouldn't have to haul them to the hospital myself.

Now, I have another "friend" who owns a TARDIS and is trying to start up his own group. He says he's trying to make the group a nonprofit, but when I ask him what he's raising money towards, he says it's to "help other costume groups," meaning themselves. I helped him to build that TARDIS, and we had worked together in the past. I helped him set it up at the venue yesterday, and arranged for him to pick me up around noontime so I wouldn't have to try juggling the toys on my bike. I asked him to text me an hour before he showed up so I would have time to shower and get ready. And then last night I put together a box of over $90 worth of toys.

He shows up this morning at 10:30, no warning text, and since I'm just finishing up breakfast and haven't showered or anything, I ask him to just take the toys and I'll bike over there myself later.

So I get there this evening, and don't find the toys in the donation box. He's nowhere to be seen, so I talk to a couple of his collaborators in his new group, and discover to my horror that he TURNED AROUND AND SOLD THEM TO THE VENDERS AT THE EVENT AND POCKETED THE MONEY FOR HIS GROUP. Which isn't even for charity!

I nearly cause a scene in the middle of the hallway. One of those Transformers was a freaking $35 Ultra that turned into a freaking huge plane and can you imagine how that would have made some little sick kid's day?

So I tell EVERYONE there what is going on, including the head of my group, and the guy who organizes the local comic con. He messages me and promises to make good on the toys, though he's vague as to how, and has the nerve to even say I wasn't specific as to where the toys were supposed to go! HELLO! THE EVENT WAS A TOY DRIVE. THE BIG YELLOW DONATION BOX WAS THE VERY FIRST THING YOU SEE WHEN YOU WALK INTO THE DOOR.

Faith in humanity -100.

There is no tealdeer. There is no way you can compress this bullshit into a one-sentence summary.
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kitsumekat's avatar
Time to use this rusty, spiked dildo.
Buniis's avatar
What a little shit. I hope he gets caught.
JZLobo's avatar
He has. Everyone knows what he's done and he's under close scrutiny.
Buniis's avatar
Oh phew. He deserves it.
SavageFrog's avatar
Name & shame the bastard till he sets it right!
JZLobo's avatar
Oh believe me, I'm telling everyone in the local geek community about it. Including a group who has dealings with him right now.
SavageFrog's avatar

:icongetoutfrogplz: Make him pay dearly for what he's done.
(I despise con-artists with a passion)
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SavageFrog's avatar
Spill the details about said shenanigans.
lovelymars908's avatar
Dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. :( Those poor kids. I bet that Transformers Ultra would make one kid very happy indeed.

People, these days.
JZLobo's avatar
Miraculously, that one is still available on Amazon, two left in stock. I let him know.
Igloo9201's avatar
We should neuter him. *revs up chainsaw*
Bo-Po-Mo-Fo's avatar
Wow that's awful!  He deserves a kick to the throat!
Igloo9201's avatar
Screw his throat, kick that bastard's balls! KICK THEM NUGGETS TILL THEY FALL OFF!!!!
aerogram's avatar
That is really, really awful and sad.
itsQueenOfTheSilence's avatar
What a fucking asshole. I say call the cops on his ass and report him for fraud.
ItsNotFilia's avatar
There is no tealdeer. There is no way you can compress this bullshit into a one-sentence summary.

Laconic version: thread's title. :eratsnirg:
MasterPlanner's avatar
Beat his ass with a sock with a brick in it. Just whale away on him.
Pokey-Bunny's avatar
Can you sue him or report him for theft or something? :stare:

Because he deserves it. :stare:
JZLobo's avatar
I'll give him a chance to make good, because bringing the law in will just mean even more hassle. But if he doesn't, then you can be damn sure I will get other parties involved.
Pokey-Bunny's avatar
Fair enough. But if he doesn't fix it, then call the cops.