Anybody with Anti-Social Personality disorder on here? :P Plus, my complaint.

ReizYouUp's avatar
I just HAD to ask! XD

There's so many trolls on here, and the way ppl were talking, the thought, "Are there any psychopaths?" on here just popped into my brain.

I have absolutely nothing against these ppl, as it is my belief they are hard wired differently, and thereby not responsible for their actions... Although, I do believe if they commit a crime, they should be detained in a behavioral/mental facility out of the public's safety/teach them a lesson (the lesson being they can't fuck with nobody!). XD If any of them were to harm me, I would also react accordingly and defend myself, just as I would with any nuerotypical. That being said, I am a hypocrite! Yay for meee!

So. I just wanted to know. Out of curiosity...

Are YOU one?

Come ooooooon. It's the internet. No one will know. (You can tell I'm not one 'cause I laugh at dumb shit.)

Oh, it appears I have forgotten my complaint. :P Not that I FEEL like complaining, I just have to complain of SOMETHING because this is the Complaints section!

1) Why is there no Anti-Social Personality Disorder Group? (I cannot make one, as I am not a premium member and I have already created a group.) That being said, why don't one of you little devils go and make one?

2) There should AT LEAST be a group titled "Frozen Emotions" or something along those lines for people with little to no emotion. I realize there are groups for bi polar/borderline personality disorder and the like, and depression, but nothing I have seen SO FAR that deals with that zombie/anhedonia/nothingness/emptiness feeling that also comes from being drugged the fuck up. Again, anyone want to make one?

3) Hello, ppl! I have schizophrenia! I am also a hardcore Christian and DEEPLY, TRULY believe God was talking to me through other ppl. They were reading my mind. Any questions? :P

I feel lighter right now. Probably because they lowered my meds. Yay for me, once again!
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Debra-Marie's avatar
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
LaikaFlash's avatar
I am also a hardcore Christian and DEEPLY, TRULY believe God was talking to me through other ppl.

Do any of them tell you to get off of your computer?
House-of-Kadamon's avatar
Really? Are you pretending to be some special snowflake or... what? What exactly are you trying accomplish with this post, which by the way, is not a complaint? Also... create a group for anti-social people mental disorders? Are you trying to exacerbate the problem or do you want to take credit for something that would just be 'truly amazing.' Up your meds again please, clearly you need them.

So in order of your bullshit...

1. Because not all of us are devils. Some of us are plague rats and the like. And no, why on earth would we want to bow down to your request. Some of like our groups just the way they are and if a support group for people with mental disabilities/ill health, then they should be done face to face. NOT OVER TECHNOLOGY WHERE POSTS, CHATS ETC. COULD EASILY BE MISINTERPRETED!

2. Again. No.

3. ... ... you need Richard Dawkins in your life.

Get some more help please. The fact that you're asking who else is psychopath here on dA, is greatly disturbing. I for one, don't approve of this and having been through the run that is having a mental illness...
This is nothing but an insult.
SkyFire2008's avatar
:yawn: Who are you, again?
Azza9's avatar
I hope someone has already explained the flawed logic in wondering why a demographic of people who are refereed to as *ANTI-SOCIAL!!!* do not form groups.

Azza9's avatar
It's like asking why a road block gets in cars way?

trioditis's avatar
Since when are antisocial people automatically psychopaths?
CrankyConstruct's avatar
Get off your fucking high horse, you patronizing waste of genetic material.

This is an insult to my intelligence, and you're an insult to those who legitimately suffer from crippling mental disorders.
DarthPandah's avatar
What exactly do you mean by "anti-social personality disorder?" I want to understand completely what you're saying before I state my opinion.
Laerbn's avatar
How is this a complaint. I see no complaint. Just the ramblings of a teenager.
Cosmic--Chaos's avatar
…Uh, no, I’m not a psychopath, nor do I have anti-social personality disorder. If I WERE, I would not tell anyone.

I was professionally and legally diagnosed (by my psychiatrist) with other disorders as a child, but I do not brag about them.

You seem like the “LOL randumb!!1!” idiot type, or a troll.

If you’re either of the above, I have advice that you really should heed if you want to be taken seriously in the future.

In regards to trolls and the horrible, insensitive things some people post on these forums, it’s a fair bet that quite a few of them are just malicious assholes. Maybe some of them are psychopaths, or they have another mental disorder, but I don’t know- it’s incredibly hard to tell online. Besides, I’m not a mental health professional. I’ve been a psychology student for four years, but that still doesn’t make me an expert.

Anti-social personality disorder, sociopathy, and psychopathy are somewhat different than each other. However, many of their traits overlap with one another. Sociopaths and psychopaths are usually calculating and manipulative, with a remarkable ability to influence and control others. At the core, they’re motivated by either selfishness, boredom, or another reason. People with ASPD usually have poor impulse control, and they account for a decent-sized percentage of the prison population.

All 3, display little to no remorse for their actions (despite being responsible for committing said actions) and have a severe lack of empathy. In short, they do not really understand nor care about the feelings and/or rights of other people.

I don’t know if there is a DA group for people with mental disorders. Personally, I think it’s in poor taste to have one, unless it’s some kind of online support group expressed through art, literature, and conversations among the club’s members.

It is very unwise to claim/advertise that you might have a mental disorder on the internet, especially if you express it in a silly, seemingly clueless manner instead a serious one. It is acceptable to talk about a disorder you were diagnosed with if the subject is abnormal psychology, or if you are seeking help. But do NOT talk about mental disorders like this…

Lastly, I have nothing negative against Christians, as long as you aren’t a bigoted jerk toward others for having different beliefs.

But it IS disrespectful to any schizophrenics or Christians reading this if part of your post says:

3) Hello, ppl! I have schizophrenia! I am also a hardcore Christian and DEEPLY, TRULY believe God was talking to me through other ppl. They were reading my mind. Any questions? :P

I feel lighter right now. Probably because they lowered my meds. Yay for me, once again!

I’m also affronted by your “proud to be annoying” attitude. Being stupid, ridiculous, or annoying are among the LAST things one should be proud of.

Acting this way in the forums won’t make people like you, despite the fact that other people do this shit, too.
BlackestFox's avatar
I think people are taking what she said way too seriously.

But enough of that, you got my curiousity when you said you're a student of psychology. And a lot of what you said appears to be true in my experience, or at least it hits a chord for me So I hope you don't mind me asking for some advice...?

I have friends and family who don't seem to care about what they say and how it makes others feel. Ie, they get extremely personal toward me or other people in the vicinity during inappropriate times. I guess it's just bullying, the difference being the bully knows you very well and uses it to their advantage. IDK, it causes me to lose my shit sometimes and refuse to socialize with them or anybody else. Your take on people like that?

Secondly, I have an older brother who is not motivated to do anything. He definitely comes across as sociopathic because he's extremely smart and can make my parents belive he's doing constructive things in improving his life but really isn't, he's just sitting his ass. (He lives with me and our parents). How do people like that get motivated? And whya re they so dishonest? You don't have to answer any of this, I'm really just getting frustrated with people in general.
Horresco's avatar
He´s a student, not a professor. Studying psychology doesn´t focus on solving people´s private problems (well, not mainly). And he said "I’m not a mental health professional. I’ve been a psychology student for four years, but that still doesn’t make me an expert." himself.
You should be very careful with asking for advice online especially if you have no idea who the person is ;) He can probably help you as well as any other stranger online could. And remember that whatever you write here is visible for everyone on the internet. Everyone can read about your private problems and you maybe don´t want that.
Horresco's avatar

I´m an asshole for assuming everyone on the internet is a guy.
Bo-Po-Mo-Fo's avatar
Wikipedia sez: "Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is described by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth edition (DSM-IV-TR), as an Axis II personality disorder characterized by '... a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.'"

Anti-social personality disorder isn't the same as hating social situations, to those who think it is. I have known people with this disorder, and believe me, they are NOT fun to be around. I wouldn't consider them cool and I would NOT want to hang out with a whole group of them. They're often right up there with sociopaths and malignant narcissists.
CrookiNari's avatar
Mental illness ain't something to be proud of, kiddo. Some people who are fucked in the head dearly wish they weren't, and for good reason. One such being children who think it's cool to be fucked over.
There was an ant on my screen. It was probably more intelligent than this thread.
BlackVinyl's avatar
Everyone is responsible for their actions no matter the intent behind actions or even if you don't know what you are doing -- you still did it.

Speaking of groups, is there are a group about people who were so severely messed up in their childhood(social, mental, emotional, academic) and now they are cognizant of everything that has happened and are now working on fixing their parents' mistakes that messed them up?
gdpr-22514181's avatar
I don't care for your religion other than your actions and how they reflect goodness.
Pynasta's avatar
Not close to anti-social, but I do have a tendency to make people feel awkward, that's gotta count for something!
vi0letdreamer's avatar
People don't usually brag about their mental disorders...
UBOA-CHAN's avatar
i smell a self diagnosed teen :lol:
Svataben's avatar
"wired differently, and thereby not responsible for their actions..."
Being wired differently does not make them not responsible. They can still know right from wrong, and the law. These are things that can be taught as rules, even if they can't feelwhy it's right and wrong.
Hurricaneclaw's avatar
I really hope you're joking, or the world just got a whole lot bleaker.