The Deviant art forums

halmtier's avatar
" You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. "
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Rezelsheft's avatar
Even with the sights full of people spreading HIV as a sexual fetish? Or bad dragon forums? Stop crying.
halmtier's avatar
halmtier's avatar
halmtier's avatar
No, small children.
WalkingRen's avatar
Ah, thanks for clearing it up, I don't lift small children ;)
halmtier's avatar
Well why the hell not?
WalkingRen's avatar
Because, that's weird.
dadona777's avatar
:iconhansoloplz:I understood that reference
Redfoxbennington's avatar
Boring thread. Look at my practice reference

TicklyRoach's avatar
Dude. If only you'd drawn 100 objects around your house instead, then you might actually have learned something.
Redfoxbennington's avatar
Well, I also wanted to get different types of eyes and poses so I can make characters. A very old plan. And I will go around the house and draw stuff.
halmtier's avatar
Boring practice. Needs less furfag.
Redfoxbennington's avatar
They are just cartoon animals.
Knightster's avatar
Clue's in the name. It's a heaven for social deviants.
SadistSkunk's avatar
:la: Which is exactly what makes it so much fun!
Lt-raume's avatar
I swear you've been here a year ago...
SadistSkunk's avatar
I was, but I got banned. I got permission to have this new account after my ban appeal. ;-)
spoems's avatar
"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
ZenBlood's avatar
Posting in forums anywhere (be it Deviant Art or Gaia Online) is like running around blind-folded with your dick sticking out.