Straighties are oppressed because a 'gay' dog isn't put down.

divine--apathia's avatar
A 'gay' dog was given up by a bigot.

That's rather stupid, but not surprising, in the least. From the looks of it, the dog isn't gay,but just showing dominance. Of course, the bigot had a knee jerk reaction, and had to get the evil gayness away from his presence. Whatever. Dog got saved, yada yada yada.

All good, right? not according to some...

The moral of the story is: Being gay is not only a bonus for humans these days, it is a definite plus for dogs as well. As for straights, the lonely and the disabled, that’s another story altogether.

Could someone please reassure me that's a troll site. Please? :crying:
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yaotl's avatar
To be fair, I don't think the point of the article was the dog. The article is about euthanasia, and how easy it is becoming for a person to legally help someone to kill themselves.

They see a problem because the laws are getting more lax, and mentioned the gay dog because, while we are willing to kill other people, we must save teh gay(dog)s.
divine--apathia's avatar
That doesn't change how homophobic and stupid it is.
yaotl's avatar
Oh no, no it doesn't.

Especially the part where they make it sound like giving gay people the same rights as everyone else is treating them special :giggle:

Also, they don't speak for the whole Catholic community. Dignity USA would like to disagree with them :O
Azza9's avatar
The levels of stupidity behind that story is so mind blowingly high...

I could just imagine being the vet at the shelter. I wouldn't even be outraged I'd just cock my head to the side and .... for the rest of the day.
The owners would have to find another shelter/ vet as I'd be incapacitated by their pure level of stupidity.

That or I'd be laughing at them so hard I die of a ruptured lung. It'd go like this I'd laugh at them tell them to wait there I'd go get a colleague or two and in from of them explain that they want to put down this perfectly healthy animal because get this "he's gay" either my colleague/s would be disgusted or join in laughing at them with me. Because that's a fucking stupid reason to kill something.

They surrendered a gay dog, a gay dog 0_o A GAY DOG??! Human kind is day by day pushing that stupidity bar ever higher.

And to top it off people are saying that because veterinary professionals refused to end the life of a perfectly healthy creature because it was gay this somehow oppresses straight people!?
I don't know how anyone could be angry about this, this is absolutely fucking priceless even more so that the dog was readopted.

lol gay dog! I'd have told them to fuck off and stop wasting my time lol.
KrazyLunatic666's avatar
you're avatar is totally cool man
Raenafyn's avatar
What. Obviously this guy has a LOT of personal issues :roll:
MisterTurtle's avatar
My God. That fucking moron has no clue what it's like to be afraid to tell people something that to you is entirely inconsequential for fear of fucking up your life forever.
JeweledScarab's avatar
I need you to do me a favor. I'm going to lay my head against a big flat rock, and I need you to take another large rock and smash my face in with it. This is really the only course of action I see fit upon reading this madness.
JeweledScarab's avatar
I need you to do me a favor. I'm going to lay my head against a big flat rock, and I need you to take another large rock and smash my face in with it. This is really the only course of action I see fit upon reading this madness.
yaotl's avatar
Which is hilarious considering the article is about assisted suicide in the first place :giggle:
mapper3's avatar
Screw this, I'm offa this planet. Who wants to come with me?!
optimusprime22's avatar
Everyone follow Dr Zoidberg to the Planet Express ship!
mapper3's avatar
Yes, friends, this way off the planet!
Tibban's avatar
Oh Bloody Hell, I'm done with this world.

Doesn't anyone care to start on Westboro Baptist Church?
Vanhir's avatar
Also "straighties" is the best for straight people I've ever seen.
wolfclaw97's avatar
Ha-ha, straighties. I like it.
SynapticBoomstick's avatar
I can't look. Nobody's that batty. :grump:
DigitalPhenomena's avatar
divine--apathia's avatar
I was being facetious
DigitalPhenomena's avatar
Oh no, I got that, lol. Just the word "straighties" made me reread a few times to make sure I had seen it correctly. Haha, where did you hear that one?
CindarellaPop's avatar
But if we accept gays we need to accept pedophilia as well! It's just a matter of time before that pervert dog starts molesting puppies.