Popping out babies like a Pez Machine

Tibban's avatar
In relation to a thread I saw floating around here.

People wont stop breeding. Yes I will use the term breeding, and no, I do not care if it isn't a correct term.
Lets take poor countries for example:

1) They have no food
2) There is a lot of disease
3) Children. Children EVERYWHERE.

I don't think I'm the first person to touch upon this subject, but doesn't it seem a little selfish to keep getting pregnant and popping out kids left right and center? You /know/ you're in a poor country. You /know/ you cant support your kids. So why have more? Is it that hard to not pull your leg over someone and shag like its the 21st of December of last year?

Why can't we just make sure these people can't have children. For their sake and the future generations sake. Oh wait.

Human Rights.
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ArtisticAxis's avatar
I greatly prefer the term "spawning" over "breeding" since the kids are usually little shits anyways.
because parents don't bother with parenting anymore it seems.
AngelsDead's avatar
they get that many childern so when they get older their kids can take care for them.
Tibban's avatar
If the kids or parents live to that age.
AngelsDead's avatar
true but that will be allright.. 1 of the 15 will survive
Tibban's avatar
Would you enjoy popping out 15 babies from your beef curtains?
AngelsDead's avatar
I never did, but I know those womans do ;)
Kendrubbin's avatar
Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
Watchin' motherfuckers drop.
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
Because having children makes sense if you think about it in terms of continuity. The situation it self is shitty, but livable for the children....do you know whom for which it isn't? The old and the sick. These people don't exactly have welfare, they depend on their kids to take care of them.

....and by the way, all that charity going into third world countries....it's hurting mroe than helping. All those clothes and food, are crippling their commodities markets literally depressing the price of goods and giving rise ot unemployment. The money is simply not ending up in the hands of the citizens starving on the streets....or at least nto enough to warrant a hwole bunch of white people coming into their country and using up their resources. Digging for wells is great and all, but once you're done, you'd help a lot more by just getting the hell out so their economy can stabilize.
wolfclaw97's avatar
I've lived in China for 6 years, damn it's crowded there. Though, people are people and do whatever they please. Even though was a 1-child law there, they still managed a couple more. :shrug:
SewLolita's avatar
BlackestFox's avatar
Why not try and fix why they shouldn't have kids rather then ask them to stop having kids, something they would more then likely gauge your eyes out for suggesting;especially the callous way you put it. The problems they face in raising children in impoverished states is what I would think a rational human being would try and fix, rather then asking them to stop procreating, which you're correct, IS a human right (but one which we should take away?). Food, shelter, running water, access to medical supplies and treatment when needed, etc, are the real problems that need to be addressed.
GalacticGoat's avatar
run them over with cars.
OrangeKrissy's avatar
You have to remember that people in poor countries or low income areas don't have the sex education that many have and don't know how to use contraceptives or have access to them. It also used to be that people had large families in order for them to help on the farm. Today it sees like the more kids you have the more welfare or child support you get so you never have to work.
Kinrift's avatar
Of course breeding is the correct term.
I prefer spawning, but oh well. :lol:
wezenbeesje's avatar
These people think their children will care for them, but that's not true. I guess it's a species surviving strategy, like other animals make a lot of children because they know a part of it will die.

They should think like humans, not like animals...
kitsumekat's avatar
1. Their kids die off. When you live in an area where food is barely being produced and disease is rampant, you birth a lot of kids in hope of that one lives long enough to take care of you. In our society, we can produce less kids because we can afford to feed and vaccinate our kids
2. Boys vs Girls. Parents believe the boy will carry the line and land. The girl is usually married off because they are considered a burden and will produce only the husband's line. They practically birth more to get a boy than a girl.
3. Education. In some societies, the kids are not given a proper education. It's worse when puberty hits because the girls are married off young and the boys are put into the field quicker. Plus, education is not cheap. A couple of our dollars can give a kid an education.
4. War. Kids are birth during war because parents fear they might not survive. There are also cases of rape and sexual abuse during war.
hippo-rim-job's avatar
So because you were raised in an urban bubble you lack a realistic understanding of the way other societies function.
Tibban's avatar
What makes you think I was raised in an urban bubble?
I do understand different societies and how they function.
hippo-rim-job's avatar
Because everything you’ve written here reeks of someone with no real concept of how the rest of the planet functions.
Tibban's avatar
I do know how the rest of the planet functions. If you read through EVERYTHING on this thread, you'll see that.
hippo-rim-job's avatar
I read a bit of the thread. All I see is evidence of a very young person with no practical experience making assumptions about what it would take to fix problems they know nothing about.

But if it makes you feel any better, there are thousands more like you on this site. So you won’t be alone.