Why Do People This I'm A Girl!??

Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
:iconseinfeldplz: Not that theres any thing wrong with that!
But still, What could make everyone possibly think so?!!!....so yea, baww.
Also I ran out of microwavable food and it is storming like hell outside and I can't cook worth a damn. Fml.

TL;DR #firstworldproblems
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WalkingRen's avatar
I can cook, so :icondivaplz:
semi-surreal's avatar
There's no shame in having a super-duper strong feminine side.
CrookiNari's avatar
I never thought you were a girl. But that's probably because your old username had Benjamin in it.
darkanddefiant's avatar
oops, you're a guy. :o never picked up on that.
Jak-the-Lombax's avatar
I thought you were a girl at one point... My bad. Must be the way you type.

Everyone on another website I go on thinks I'm a boy. Even after recording my voice.
qwepoirtqoewiutyoqwe's avatar
There are no genders on the internet.
Iriastar's avatar
I thought you were a girl. :paranoid:
James--Steele's avatar
Nobody thinks I'm a girl. :I
MasterPlanner's avatar
People think I'm a guy all the time :lol:
DorianHarper's avatar
Everyone thinks I'm a girl, too. :grump:
Floraella's avatar
Probably the MLP journal and the anime girls in pink....?
Jezzy-Fezzy's avatar
Everyone thinks I'm a guy because of this avatar. Annoying as! :saddummy:
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
I never did, I went by your username. :3 JEZZY....sounds like Jessie. :B
Jezzy-Fezzy's avatar
That's because my full name is Jessica Fesic. Hence why my username is =Jezzy-Fezzy. :nod:
CustardAndPie's avatar
Okay, I admit, I thought you were a girl at first. Don't sue me. . . :iconscaredplz:

I've been mistaken for a guy a couple times myself (I'm actually a girl)
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
CustardAndPie's avatar
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
I fucking love that plz! :la:
CustardAndPie's avatar
bubblymaika's avatar
ehehe i thought you were a girl at one point >>;
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
Because I praised your avatar right?
bubblymaika's avatar
No, just assumed. Apologies.
stoneman123's avatar
Perhaps it's the way that you type? I read a study in Popular Science once that found interesting differences in the ways men and women tend to type. Men, for example, tend to put all of their thoughts into a single giant block of text, and use punctuation very sparingly and often incorrectly. Women, on the other hand, tend to break up their thoughts into several lines and use excessive amounts of punctuation, like you just did in your title, and this line:

"But still, What could make everyone possibly think so?!!!...."

You never need that much punctuation. Further, for something a little less scientific, your post seems very agitated and emotional (as evidenced by the sub-par grammar and spelling), which are traits more often associated with teenage girls. Thus, if you want people to assume you are male from reading your posts, cut down on the punctuation, and "slow down" a bit. Take the time to make your posts seem calm and emotionally neutral, and, of course, check your grammar and spelling.
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
It was very early in the morning when I posted this ok.:grump: