Guy is going to 'paint' me, without my permission! HELP

GirlOfPeridot's avatar
A user messaged me asking if he can paint me, I said no, he said 'too late you will be featured in my painting'

I said NO! I SAID NO!

I sent him a note, saying he isn't allowed to, and begged him not to paint me. Still no reply.

HELP? What do I do?!
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3wyl's avatar
Please refer to this thread if you need help. :)

FAQ #801: Are there any rules for the Forums?

Penhuin's avatar
Can I paint you? :eyes:
ShutUpSprinkles's avatar
Kinrift's avatar
Report him and his ass will be verily roasted.
Adder-SnakeBite's avatar
Hmm.... If he had the decency to ask, he should've had the decency to take 'NO' as an answer. If you have any photos of yourself in your gallery or links to photos of yourself posted elsewhere displayed somewhere on your page (e.g facebook), I would suggest removing them to try to make it harder for this person to get a reference image of you.
blackvragor's avatar
I wish someone would paint me. What fun.
Thisnameisabunchofsh's avatar
Well... this is mean, but you can stop him from doing it.... So when he shows it to you tell him it sucks and therefore he sucks. Maybe then he'll feel a little bit like you do now.
Thisnameisabunchofsh's avatar
Sorry, I meant... can't stop him.
Mercury-Crowe's avatar
lol well legally I'm not sure there is anything you could do... though that is pretty rude, if he was polite enough to ask he should be polite enough to let you refuse.

Maybe ask that he doesn't name you? That may be the best you can get.
niswaen's avatar
Links or it never happened, because curiosity. :la:

Also block and move on.
Speck2's avatar
Block him!! an move on.
Cederbom's avatar
Talk to Ed and Gin, they always have the solution.
sliferbenten's avatar
round up all your friends/ watchers, and we all will try to get this person off DA!
darkanddefiant's avatar
no, that is a bad idea.
sliferbenten's avatar
darkanddefiant's avatar
because creating a lynch mob causes more problems than you want, and will clog up the already backed up helpdesk and make it slower to help you. plus, i believe that a callout journal is a banable offense according to da's tos. just report him once, block and move on.
sliferbenten's avatar
ah. got it. thanks.
theGman0's avatar
Paint a picture of him.
Pakaku's avatar
P.S. I will draw you now
Kinrift's avatar
With or without head removed?
Pakaku's avatar
Oh no, will the cyberbullying never end?
kaput6no's avatar
Ignore it, proceed.