
FoxyFoxChickPlz's avatar
Cat just puked on my bed. On my bare feet. I wasn't wearing socks. I kick her off the bed and try to clean up the mess but my sheets need to be washed. Now my room stinks because she took a shit in the corner right outside her litter box. I just fucking put fresh litter in there. Fuck my cat.
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HorrificSensation's avatar
my cat pisses on the bed when i wait to long to change his littler box XD lol but thats my fault and thats his fuck you to me i guess lol
GalacticGoat's avatar
That... doesn't sound healthy. If it keeps up, instead of ya know being mad, you should probably call a vet.
Keyboard-Ninja's avatar
:no: You've clearly aroused your cats displeasure, and now she's trying to show you the error of your ways.
Floraella's avatar
I would have just moved to the living room. :P
comrademonaco's avatar
Sacrifice it to the cat gods! :la:
fantasylover103's avatar still love her right?
UBOA-CHAN's avatar
rub her face in it.
UncleGargy's avatar
You should feel lucky. My cats keeps asking if I'm dead yet? ;-)
Noctomaniac's avatar
OmNomNomNomNomNomm's avatar
You should be honored that out of all the places she could puke on, she chose your feet.

If it's hairballs, you can buy creams or gels to help her hair pass through her system. Dab it on her fur somewhere where she will lick it. :meow:
theleaveshaveeyes's avatar
It's a gift. APPRECIATE IT :iconmadnoesplz:
NanoPoi's avatar
My cat of 14 died yesterday. I'm sad.
NanoPoi's avatar
Thank you. He was a great kitty. His name was Zipper.
prosaix's avatar
Why are you sorry? Did you kill it? :o
Pinkmitten's avatar
Ew, why would you want to breathe in the cats nasty shit in your bedroom? Put it in the basement or bathroom.
FoxyFoxChickPlz's avatar
Totoka's avatar
:sing: Kitten is angry, kitty is insulted~
prosaix's avatar
Why would you put a box of shit and cat urine in your bedroom? Do you use it as well?
FoxyFoxChickPlz's avatar
LOVEintheSNOW's avatar
...Why isn't the litterbox in your bathroom or something?
FoxyFoxChickPlz's avatar
LOVEintheSNOW's avatar