The internet: Where human decency goes to DIE!

Rage-o-rama's avatar
Now before you troll me and say really stupid things like, :iconyoumustbenewhereplz: :iconsaysplz: "LOL, you must be new here", just know I am perfectly aware that the internet is crass, rude, and every other negative adjective that you can think of. My question is this: WHY?? WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO BE COMPLETE ASSHOLES ONLINE?! IS IT BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE SO FUCKING POWERFUL BEHIND THE ANONYMITY OF A SCREEN-NAME?! It's friggin' ridiculous what people think they can get away with just because they have a supposedly "consequence free" venue to constantly harass or torture other decent people. And it's not just about bullying others, it's also about the dumbasses that post REALLY stupid shit about how they drove drunk, had crazy sex, and post other disgusting photos of their illicit activities; IT'S CALLED MODESTY AND COMMON SENSE YOU RETARDS. TRY IT SOMETIME!! Now I'm NOT saying everyone on the internet is stupid, but you have to REALLY look hard for smart people as far as my experience is concerned. If you agree with me, great. If you don't agree with me, great. This is the complaints forum after all :lol:
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Floraella's avatar
All I can say from the title is you're pretty right.
Honestly, people troll on the internet and it's stressful on both the people, right?
It's kinda dumb.
KillerFreya's avatar
Because, unfortunately, you can't punch someone over the internet.
ex-cirkuu's avatar

That's kinda the usual reason why people tend to act like jackasses (you asked). There's also the fact that people can't usually physically retaliate against a troll online.

On the other hand, the internet has brought out something good in some people considering some people won't fight back in real life. Anonymity goes both ways.
fantasylover103's avatar
The Internet's a place where you can be wild with your inner you, don't worry.

If they tell you that you're art is shit and you disagree, fight back! It's okay, they started it.
Blackrosekane89's avatar
I think the Internet gives people the freedom to be who they really want to be. That's why so many people make singing videos on YouTube, art on DA etc. People can live out a lot of fantasies online. I think that people use this opportunity to have the personality they really want to too without having any social consequences.

For me, I'm generally a very nice on the Internet, but I call people on their shit, especially when they're being asses. A lot more then I do in real life. :)
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
Hey, better here than outside with a chainsaw, I tell ya. Let the crazy people have their fun.
Toadsanime's avatar
Yes, because someone gently mocking or trolling someone is equal to 'torture'.
Rage-o-rama's avatar
Wait, I DID use the word torture :lol:. I should really edit my posts before I post them, but eh. Too little too late, but you get the idea :shrug:
Toadsanime's avatar
I was really only disagreeing with you exaggerating the issue, I don't disagree that being mean for the sake of being mean is pointless.
Rage-o-rama's avatar
I can understand your sentiments because of some of my word choices; I do admit that I did exaggerate my points, but people do that all the time to get their messages across more effectively. If I wrote, "I don't like it when people are mean; it's bad," on the thread, I may have been concise, but nobody wants to read something THAT boring.
Toadsanime's avatar
Not entirely sure what it is that you're arguing against now when I've already told you that I agree with you.
Rage-o-rama's avatar
I never meant to argue :(
And I'm glad you agree :D
Rage-o-rama's avatar
I never said anything about gentle mocking as being equivalent to torture; that's WAY too strong of a word to use. Water-boarding is torture. The Chinese water torture is torture. Starvation is torture. I know you're facetiously using that word, but all I am trying to say is that people are rude on the internet. By the way, what do you constitute as "gentle" mockery? Don't get me wrong because I have a great sense of humor, but I don't think being dumb and rude just for the sake of being dumb and rude is worth it at all.
CommanderEVE's avatar
I know what you mean. But they will never stop. I often wonder this myself.

This is why i sometimes say IRL, "Real humans are online. Not the ones you see in day to day life."
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
I knew this. Everyone who uses the internet does....
BrandonScottPilcher's avatar
You took the words out of my mouth.
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
I think the thread should die already.
Lifh's avatar
Trolls are just bored people who found rightous entertainment....... tormenting stupid people. ;)
Videth's avatar
I do agree with you. I know people who are in this situation.
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
Cause they're all useless douchenozzles
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
what is the definition of douchenozzles? :la:
SilverChromeX's avatar
You may be new to the world, but you can find this 'human indecency' by just walking down a crowded street or accidentally cutting someone off on the road.