My ass has declared a state of emergency.

KlaxonLithology's avatar
Okay, so everybody who doesn't use some sort of touchphone or oldass flip-phone probably has the ongoing issue of having your phone call people while its in your pocket. Yes, there is a way to lock it before you put it in there, but most of us are entirely too lazy to do it.

Now, I'm driving back to my college, listening to something suitably brutal/epic, and I get a call from a phone number I don't recognize.
"Hello, is there an emergency?"
"um, no."
"Well we just got a call from this number."
"I didn't call 911."
"Your number is (XXX)XXX-XXXX, right?"
"Yes. I don't even know how I did that, it was in my pocket the whole time." <- lie, I just didn't want to say it was my ass.
"That is okay. Goodbye."
"Sorry about that, bye."

Sure enough, I look at my phone and I had indeed called 911. What the fuck, butt. What the fuck.

Man, what would have happened if I farted or something? The poor dispatchers at the nearby town might have thought I was calling to report a sudden artillery barrage by an emerging paramilitary skinhead group or something. Or terrorists.

tl;dr: I buttdialed 911 and the world needs to know.
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pillory-hymn's avatar
That badonkadonk is calling for help.

Donks have feelings to. You can't just abuse dat ass all day long with whatever extraneous activities you do in your free time.
WiggleWaddle's avatar
I don't think you would've got in trouble for pooting. Unless you're in the UK, then you'd probably get charged for verbal ASSault.
AutumnalEssence's avatar
I forgot to lock my phone once, and while it was in my bag, two texts along the lines of "babskBDDVHJbchsj" were sent to my mum :lol:
MatthewMatters's avatar
Eh. My touch-phone locks by a button on the side.
Corvalian's avatar
Dude you could have killed somebody, there are real emergencies out there that your ass is taking time away from. Lock that shit up.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Considering there's 19 buttons on the front of my phone, and it had to hit 9,1,1,call/ok, that gives it a one in 19^3*9.5 chance. Meaning this had less than 1/65000th chance of happening.
Corvalian's avatar
...and it still happened!

Woa dude, what if that's like the most unlikely thing that will ever happen to you in your lifetime? Like, some people win the lottery, some people get extremely rare diseases, and you butt dialed 9-1-1 on your phone.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
And the fact that I had to hit them in that order with my ass? Better add a couple zeroes to the end.
These are beyond lottery odds at that point.
Corvalian's avatar
You'll never be that lucky ever again.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Probably not. I'm glad I was able to celebrate it with everybody I don't know.
Corvalian's avatar
I ain't celebrating shit with you.
RockyGems's avatar
Why do the forums not have a favorites button? D:
BootyPatrol's avatar
Bookmarks. Best friends 4 lyf brah.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Because they all hate you.
RockyGems's avatar
And do not wish for the laughter to be preserved.
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
I laughed so hard at this my friend noticed and I had to show him and now we're both laughing.
ajmadee's avatar
LoboSabio's avatar
The only effect this thread had on me was to remind me that I need to plug my phone in and charge it.

Also: hurray for having an old ass dumb phone.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Fuck. I need to do that too.
theleaveshaveeyes's avatar
I've done that with a touch screen. :iconstaresplz: