My legs are fucking killin' me

Zagittorch's avatar
It was awesome.

I got up immediately and was all "oh this ain't nuthin', I'm badass" - started riding again and stopped when I realized there was blood running down from my right knee :dummy:
The next day I couldn't lift anything because the muscles on my right side were all achey and pussified :la:

Needless to say, the wound is now infected and my knee joint is still swollen! I also, still, have a bruise on my thigh... this all might be because, other than pouring some alcohol on it every now and then, I didn't really do anything. Apparently, I'm supposed to.

Now... my left leg hurts because my kitten is either too young to properly jump on my lap when I'm sitting, or because he sucks at calculating those jumps due to the fact that he only has one eye.
What I get is a kitten jumping, grabbing onto my thigh with very sharp needle claws, clinging there for a few seconds then getting off... to do it again in a few minutes. My thigh looks as if a miniature jack the ripper thought I had a uterus somewhere in there. :crying:

Good news!
Just as I was writing this, my kitten was able to get onto my lap.
Then he got off to drink some water. Then he tried and failed two times.
Now he got it again!

I'm in pain, I have scratches everywhere.
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fantasylover103's avatar
Oh, and there's this medicine, hydrogen peroxide or something like that? Pour it on your wound, and it kills all the germs in a nice way.
fantasylover103's avatar
"Oh, this ain't nuthin', I'm badass."

XD That was hilarious!!!

Try extra ice, badass lord. XD
JStar19000's avatar
...I appreciate your attitude...
AJK12's avatar
It happens to all bad ass people!
Endure it and prove your badassery
dutchsteammachine's avatar
doesnt matter, your still BADASSSS
JellyMonstah's avatar
wow o.O now both your legs must really hurt, huh? O.O get well soon though :)) best wishes to you, your cat, and your legs~ lol
saints-fan-12's avatar
This why i say cats are evil, hope your leg feels better though.
flytermo's avatar
Wish I could still fave' journals. Best of the year
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
I kinda wish my cat was a lap kitty. But she wasn't handled very much because the woman who sold her to us didn't tell us she had ring worm. So we couldn't hold or touch her in those critical few weeks.

I still got ringworm though. Sweat pants in a hot May is not fun.
MisterKhact's avatar
ma legs r killin me

oh mai mark
WeluDixon's avatar
I've hurt myself like that without realizing before. Slipped on ice and crashed on to my knee but my tights didn't rip and I was kinda drunk so I figured if the tights didn't rip, I must not have got a cut or anything. When I got home later my tights were stuck to my leg and into this big deep cut I didn't notice. :noes: Next day it hurt like hell to put weight on that leg. I concluded they were some badass tights to not get damaged and the blood washed out so they're still good.

Hope your leg gets better and your kitty gets better at jumping.
Vanhir's avatar
Make your kitten a little eyepatch. Right. Now.
CrimeRoyale's avatar
You were riding a bike.

There's your problem.
SilverFangOtaku's avatar
A one-eyed kitten? Was it born that way or something?
Anyways, good luck with you knee! :la:
line-melte's avatar
Silly beaver, you're meant to drink the alcohol, not put it on your wounds. 
CrookiNari's avatar
Reminds me of one time I was riding my own bike around the lake in the city. I rolled over some roots and lost my balance. It stung like hell, but I didn't realise how bad it was until later I inspected the wounds and both my knees were bloody almost to the point of being black and there was gross yellow stuff on them. I have no idea how I managed to keep riding after that.
Sabhira's avatar
Ouch! Hope that leg heals up soon. It sounds super painful!

Here, have a kitty belly. Those always make me feel better.

WiggleWaddle's avatar
I fucked up my foot by angrily kicking my toilet, I feel your pain. I barely got hurt, and I forgot about it a few days later, but I'm with ya' brother.
DigitalPhenomena's avatar
Obviously you need to have your leg amputated. On the bright side, this means that you can acquire a peg leg which is all the rage with the kids these days.
cake-fiend's avatar
pouring some alcohol on it every now and then

That probably did more harm than good. Don't use alcohol on open wounds, especially not repeatedly.
Zagittorch's avatar
I do it on its surroundings, dude my knee basically had unprotected sex with an STD filled pavement.
littleladylucifer's avatar
Animals tend to know when their human is hurt or not feeling well. :la:
line-melte's avatar
And cats respond by making the hurt area even more hurt. :la: