21 December 2012

ppgrainbow's avatar
The clock has turned to 21 December 2012 and guess what? Nothing bad has happened...at all.

The end of the world hype, Mayan apocalypse is a joke. Really.

According to legends, this Thursday (yesterday) was the last day of the current ancient Mayan long-count calendar...thus claiming that it would usher the end of the world.

Guess what, it didn't happen.

This is not the end of the world, but the beginning of the new world and it's all according to Star Johnsen-Moser.

Welcome to the 13th b'ak'tun. :aww:
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MasterInsanity's avatar
I happened to be traveling on Apocalypse Day and it really seemed like the world was ending because we drove straight into a snowstorm. Roaring winds, brief flashes of light in the dark, the thermometer going batshit ... yep, end of the fucking world :iconscaredplz:
ppgrainbow's avatar
:laughing: The world didn't end on that day. :lol:
MasterInsanity's avatar
Sure it did! You just don't know it yet, poor thing ;P
ppgrainbow's avatar
Crazylittleloon's avatar
It's the end of the world and almost Christmas.

Obviously we somehow teleported into an episode of Doctor Who.
ppgrainbow's avatar
Well, it certainly wasn't.
ShadowMaker-241's avatar

I made this in case something like this happens again :P
ppgrainbow's avatar
I don't think that it will happen...
ShadowMaker-241's avatar
The sun will go out in 5 billion years, so it makes sense.
ppgrainbow's avatar
It probably does. 5 billion years is eternity for sure.
ppgrainbow's avatar

I'm pretty such that the apocalypse never happened for sure.
NomadicTroll's avatar
I hid in my house so no psycopaths would come out and kill me, thinking that they might as well since it's "the end of the world."
ppgrainbow's avatar
It's not. Really. This whole "end of the world" thing is a joke, fib...really...non existent.
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
I'm actually EXTREMELY disappointed nothing remotely interesting happened....at all. :grump:
ppgrainbow's avatar
People shouldn't be disappointed that nothing indeed didn't happen. This whole apocalypse/doomsday thing was a fib - a joke!
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
ppgrainbow's avatar
More like a bunch of Mayan trolls that have gone away now.
ppgrainbow's avatar
Friday, no more.
dadona777's avatar
but today is saturday
ppgrainbow's avatar
Today is Saturday now.
dadona777's avatar