heretics getting mad

der-freishutz's avatar
im on the philosophy board alot and there are alot of pagans, blasphemors and heretics. generally scum. the problem i have with this is that they get mad when i call them heretics or scum. why would they be offended? they are what they are. a bus driver would not get offended if i said to him "youre a bus driver" im just stating a fact. are they angry that i reminded them of what degenerates they are or is it something else that i am missing?

does anyone else have this problem?
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Bumsy's avatar
Troll harder.
Vanhir's avatar
People still use the term "heretics"? Wow.
PippinTookoftheShire's avatar
Alright then. If I, being a heretic and scum, call you a bigoted bible-thumping moron, it's fair, right?
der-freishutz's avatar
yup, that seems fair.
OprahWinfreyX's avatar
We get offended because you condescend, vilify and put yourself on a higher ground than us because you think your belief is superior to ours, you call us scum based purely on our theological belief. If you're christian, then you're a piss poor excuse for one.
der-freishutz's avatar
implying my zealous behavier is a bad thing.
psychogizmo's avatar
psychogizmo's avatar
Catholic priests pray to baby Jesus the most because they find him the sexiest. True story.
Patt-Ytto's avatar
Religion will disappear. It was foretold in the bible. :cry:
der-freishutz's avatar
good, then we can all be one with god, the good of abraham and david that is.
AnnHutton's avatar
i hope u say that to someone in real. call them scum and they punch u out good
der-freishutz's avatar
id like to see them try.
mapper3's avatar
Yep, all we atheists are just lying scum who wanna give your kids autism. All day. Every day. Deal with it.
RockyGems's avatar
A lot of Christians I know are heretics and scum.
NakuraXchann's avatar
So if I told you that you regularly fap to the Bible, how offended would you be? :lol:
der-freishutz's avatar
but i dont actually do that, so the feeling is neuteral
optimusprime22's avatar
Im gonna Trololo your thread! TROLOLOLOLOL!
der-freishutz's avatar
its like im back in 2006
:iconangelishi: go spam her fucking page!
optimusprime22's avatar
no I'm gonna make calamari outta that squid!
PrairieLily's avatar
So, then when I'm busy calling you a 'Bible-humping moron', you can't get offended because it's true, right?

Hey, I kinda like this ass backwards logic. :P
der-freishutz's avatar
actually its not logic it's reason.