
zbugni's avatar
Two things: It's ARTIST, not DRAWER, and you MULTIPLY something, you don't TIMES it. Those are like first grade things, and I hear them all the time! Even from the teachers.
Seriously, come on.
Sorry for excessive caps, by the way.
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Buniis's avatar
Not everybody's first language is English.
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
Because typing multiply is too many letters?

And what if they're legitimately callling people drawers, you pull-out wooden storage container? It COULD be a new creative insult!
zbugni's avatar
You're such a drawer!
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
I am offended you, you drawer!
Shurely's avatar
I stopped calling visual artists 'drawers' in year three. Yet I use 'times' and 'multiply' equally. Don't ask me why - habit?
zbugni's avatar
HorrificSensation's avatar
you sound like your trying to be a teacher yourself telling us how we should pronounce things XD lol
allah-saurus's avatar
I think drawer is perfectly fine for what you do.
zbugni's avatar
You mean someone who draws but isn't good at it, like myself?
allah-saurus's avatar
I implied nothing.
Svataben's avatar
Saying something like "three times four" is correct though. Just saying.
zbugni's avatar
I know it is, I should probably elaborate on that- I mean when people use it as a verb, like "times 1 by 3 to get 3."
mikepav's avatar
i will call you a drawer because your 'art' is shit!
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
i ate a bunches of macaroni an now im indigested :(
zbugni's avatar
dude, why can't you grammar?
Penhuin's avatar
Now I'm upset because I never memorized my times tables. I cant times my sixes very well.... And it's all your fault.
rockstar1009's avatar
I keep my drawers in a chest of drawers. Then I drawer upon it.

(okay, so technically the last one is spelled "draw" but pronounced "drawer" thanks to the following vowel sound :B)
Smoppet's avatar
I'm a drawer! :la:
Smoppet's avatar
:la: Yes! I make paintings and hold clothes!
shininginthedarkness's avatar
I've noticed that a lot of people who use 'drawer' don't have English as their primary language. This makes it more understandable, since there's no GOOD reason a 'drawer' isn't 'a person who draws'. A painter paints, after all, and for some reason you can be an 'artist' but not an 'arter'. But obviously to anyone who grew up speaking English and isn't 10 years old, 'drawer' is just a terrible word when not relating to furniture.