dentist charge why too much. id rather lose my teeth.

Fuck the dentists. way over paid. 2000-3000 dollar charge for a root canal with no insurence? So thay get paid more then $200 an hour? i hate them fucken assholes. and jesus. fuck him too.
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Babushka-Nipples's avatar
Kinrift's avatar
Hello troll! You;re doing it wrong. :pat:
DinDeen's avatar
My dentist screwed up a tooth filling and now my tooth is rotten from the inside, down to the jaw. And she tells me that the only way to fix this is by getting two root canals (since it is a molar). Isn't that lovely? =]

But I don't have the money for root canals... if I did, I'd use it to sue her first.

I feel your pain.
Nalenthi's avatar
A similar thing happened to me, I told my dentist that my tooth hurt like hell, but every dentist I went to (I went to like, eight) told me that it was just another tooth coming up really late and I was a wuss for being so whiny about teething. I insisted it was the tooth that hurt and my gums weren't sore.

Three months later, the pain is back and it turns out that tooth had rotted so badly from being untreated that I needed a root canal. Though money wasn't a problems since, free healthcare, woop woop.
gvcspecks's avatar
i think one of my fillings is fucked, it aches sometimes and he was way to rough.
Calvero's avatar
Try a dental school. [link] It's usually cheaper than a private dental practice.
PuzzledHeartBox's avatar
AmalaAzula's avatar
jesus hates you too.
good. I'm glad he died too. now I just wish all the people like you would too.
AmalaAzula's avatar
Can't. My buttocks is made of steel.
DoctorOWL's avatar
One of the medications I take costs $2,000 per bottle without insurance. And I go through a bottle each month. :stare:
SweetNspooky's avatar
Gosh dude, What is it made of ? its like 30$ a pill lol . Lucky you have insurance :D . I do not have insurance ... but in canada there is no way meds are going that high ! and you get them refunded at the end of each year :3
DoctorOWL's avatar
I know it doesn't cost them that much to manufacture it, but it is a drug specific to a particular condition and not very commonly prescribed. It's actually just as expensive as some medical procedures. :stare:
SweetNspooky's avatar
At least you dont have to worry :D you got insurance... :3 Even here cancer treatments are paid by the gouvernement .
:o I dont wanna hear the cost of those procedures in your country :o
Its kinda sad for those who don't have insurance 2000$ is alot there are probably other meds that high o.o
DoctorOWL's avatar
HaruShadows's avatar
My root canal was from $650-$800 and no dental insurance. Keep looking for a cheaper one and a good one.
Mercury-Crowe's avatar
Have you looked for low income dentistry in your area? One of my friends got something like $4000 of work done for free by a local charity.

There is also at least one oral surgeon nearby that will take whatever minimum payment you can make a month toward their service to you. Yeah, it's still a lot of money, but at least it's spread out.

I had bad teeth for years, when I was 17 my wisdom teeth were supposed to come out but my mother was pissed at me at the time for working at a retail job to make money (because it's just not RIGHT for an Artist to have one of 'those' jobs, apparently being able to draw makes me SOOOO much better than everybody else. Sometimes growing up in a family of professional artists is annoying) and dropped me from family insurance.

My wisdom teeth were rotting out, literally. ALL my teeth hurt all the time and I had constant head and jaw aches.

It took 15 years for me to get insurance again and get my teeth taken care of.
HaruShadows's avatar
Oh sounds like my mom :/
ya that's what I'm doing. payments. on one tooth I'm paying 100 bucks a month. that's not much but I work retail too at PETCO. I only make around 800 a month. and then my wages are garnished by 300 a month for my mistakes years ago (hospital bills and jail bills. one dui cost me so much trouble. anyway, it sucks. my mom always says I could get a job with my drawing skills. that pissis me off. we are sooooo much better though. jk. thanks for ur comment homie.
HaruShadows's avatar
Yeah I think people just have to many bills now
theleaveshaveeyes's avatar
I have dental insurance :dummy:

I can't get any work done until I have my baby, though. :saddummy:
3wyl's avatar
Heck, I didn't think it cost that much. :O

That's pretty intense... Teeth are important, though. :hmm:
h-irsch's avatar
Then find another.
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
You want to get a giant abscess that will eat away at your bone until you have a massive puss filled hole that will cause your other teeth to fall out, give you horrible breath, and slowly poison you to death?

Suit yourself.