Glorifying What Shouldn't Be.

foreveranonymously's avatar
I tend to somewhat disagree with the theory that teenage girls (and boys) are now more pressured by the media and that's why so many are depressed, have eating disorders, etc. I think that does play a role, but another major part of it is that mental disorders are now being glorified. There are blogs dedicated to pictures of self-harm and "thinspiration", and it's really kind of asinine. So many people (especially teenage girls) now claim that they have OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, anorexia, etc. When they have simply been taught that being sad for a few days means you're depressed, and that it now grants them attention. Don't get me wrong, lots of people do honestly suffer from these disorders, but you shouldn't be making claims based on what you've seen or heard. If you truly think you have a mental disorder of some sort, discuss it with a therapist, don't paste it all over the internet where ANYONE can know. MENTAL DISORDERS ARE NOT SOMETHING TO GLORIFY. YOU SHOULD NOT BE POSTING ON FACEBOOK ABOUT ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH YOU. I understand, these can serve as ways of coping, but so many people are faking these things that it can be hard to tell. So just please, take a step back and think for a while before you diagnose yourself with something.
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summitstars's avatar
This is the number one reason why I hate Tumblr now (and hate doesn't even begi to describe it). I am legitimately bipolar (type 1, diagnosed several years ago) and it's damn awful. It's beyond my comprehension why things like that are glorified. I absolutely despise how while I'm trying so hard to get better, there are people who are absolutely fine and pretending just to get attention. Take it from me, bipolar disorder and depression are not things you want. And in reality, people don't love you more or give you good attention for having it. You become an outcast and someone that other people don't seem to want to be around after a while. I think what teenagers nowadays have to realize is that everyone has their own weight to carry. It's normal to be sad, stressed, or anxious. I can't stand how these kids act like they're the only people who have problems.
foreveranonymously's avatar
Yes! People on tumblr are some of the most irritating I've encountered, and it seems like all these people just expect NOTHING to go wrong and for their lives to go as planned. It doesn't happen like that for anyone. We all have problems and we all need to deal with them without jumping to the worst of conclusions (i.e.- a medical disorder)
A-CHA4649's avatar
I decided a long time ago to never, ever deal with those types of people. I'm a brutally honest person, but I'm not going to deal with that kind of shit, if the person isn't even going to listen to other people's advice. I've seen several posts from teenage girls talking about their "disorders", and I gotta say... It's very hard not to say anything. I guess I'm lucky I have high-tolerance, otherwise I'd be looking like a real asshole all the time.
foreveranonymously's avatar
You and me both. I just want to punch some people in the face at times.
Colbatros's avatar
And what's sad is as soon as you finally muster the courage to ask for help, people shut you down, saying that 'you're just faking it' and that everything's going to be okay if you ignore it.

These little shits who fake mental disorders just to get attention make me want to bash their head into a wall. Yes, I know it's a phase, and I've gone through it. At least now I know that when I just feel like telling my problems to the whole wide world, then it probably isn't that much of a problem after all.

And also, what really pisses me off are these people blaming shitty parenting or any behaviour that's slightly different from other kids as a mental illness. Stop drugging the child and actually raise it.
summitstars's avatar
THANK YOU. You speak the truth!
foreveranonymously's avatar
Exactly! No child is going to act "normal", because everyone has a different definition of the word, so in no way can we expect our child to be perfect mentally. Everyone has issues, some are just more severe than others.
Requiemachina's avatar
I agree with this.

But this has been an issue so many people come here to complain about.
Although this is a serious matter, all you're going to get here is a bunch of negative comments. :no:
foreveranonymously's avatar
Actually, I haven't gotten any negative comments so far, thankfully.
Requiemachina's avatar
Well, it is a serious matter. people understand that. ^^
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foreveranonymously's avatar
Well I'm so terribly sorry that me not taking the time to paragraph makes this impossible to read.
LoboSabio's avatar
I rather dislike people who lie about having mental disorders because it cheapens things for those who do legitimate have it and creates a sort of boy who cried wolf effect leading people to not believe you when you say you have a disorder.
foreveranonymously's avatar
Yes! It completely dilutes the severity of the cases where people are actually suffering.
Buniis's avatar
If you're going to post something I've heard hundreds of other people complain about, at least learn how to use paragraphs. Others only support this thread because it's about something that strongly upsets them, I'm guessing. Well, guess what? This is a dead horse.

There will always be idiots who try to find excuses for themselves being idiots and try to justify it by making other people look bad. If it's not disorders, it'll be something else. Whatever.

Also, you're looking down on people for using disorders as excuses but you're saying they're at fault for all these awful things in the world. I'll tell you the real reason, it's because people are only now realizing how many morons there are, when the stupid people have been here all along.
foreveranonymously's avatar
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if this topic is a dead horse. This is a complaints forum, and I'm going to complain. And I'm not saying that these people are at fault for all these awful things, everyone contributes to fucking stuff up, including myself.
hkepoetry's avatar
Dead horse or not, I still agree with what the OP said. However, this topic doesn't "strongly upset" me, I just happen to agree. :)

I agree with what you said, as well. There will always be idiots and they will not disappear.
Buniis's avatar
I understand your point of view. :3
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
If you think you have anorexia, you don't have anorexia....Anorexics usually aren't aware that they're anorexic until someone else intervenes.
foreveranonymously's avatar
That is an excellent point.
divine--apathia's avatar
That's crap, and very dangerous advice. Someone told me that about my mental illness, and it nearly fucking killed me.
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
Part of anorexia nervosa is an obsessive desire to lose weight ([link]) here read.

An anorexic views themselves as overweight regardless of their actual weight. They don't THINK they're anorexic to begin with , and usually it take outside intervention to convince them that they have a problem.

Maybe not all mental illnesses follow this trend, but anorexia does
sbkMulletMan's avatar
Actually, in Anorexia Nervosa's case, it is often one of those "you have a problem", intervention types of situations where it's friends and family that send the person in for help. Not always, but sometimes it is similar to a personality disorder in the sense that the anorexic person won't see themselves as "having a problem" when everyone else knows they do.

The whole body dysmorphia aspect of it really throws off their perception in these cases, but I'm sure there are people who do stop and realize "wow, I am unnaturally terrified of gaining weight despite how dangerously thin I am. Now where's my sweet n' low ration for the day?"