When did we all become hyper-senstive pussies

ArtisticAxis's avatar
Epic rant (super ultra-over-the-misty-mountains epic) warning by the way. I need it off my chest.

holy shit. all I hear about is "waaaaaaah bullying is bad, make it stop. I demand a police-state and thought-police to make myself feel more secure and confident. bully bully bully bully."

Just stop. This has gone way too far.
We get it. Bullies are bad (no shit). Welcome to planet Earth.
What happened to teaching kids to "Deal with it" instead? (shit I said it didn't I, I'm so bad)

We're making kids into little ,pathetic, self-entitled cry baby shits. Running around with iphones and ipods with fragile little egos.

I'm not even talking about physical abuse, I'm talking about the "Worst" form of bullying. "mental" or verbal abuse.
Mind games. The age old "what do they THINK of me. They MIGHT be thinking poorly of me" or "they said a mean thing to me"

who gives a fuck. I had the same problem. Kids would bully me in all the ways imaginable. I was the "nerd" or "faggot" or the "bean pole", my parents told me to ignore them. My father showed me how to defend myself. They talked to my teachers, and the bullies that weren't caught by this pretty much got what was coming to them...from me.

and holy shit, guess what. It worked. What a concept!
I didn't kill myself, I didn't cut myself, I didn't cry about the unfairness of society on my internet blog.
I told my bullies to fuck off, I confronted my problems, and if that didn't work I fucking punched them in the face.
You can't even do that now. You can't hit the bully. You can't fight back or use violence because god forbid the parents of the little undisciplined shit might sue.
People wonder why everyone is so hyper-sensitive. it's because they're all training these kids to become dependent on others.

Instead of telling them to deal with the bully (and in turn LIFE), they say "go run to our little nazi website and follow the convenient links and describe how your feelings were hurt."

What the hell is this. :stare:
I never had this when I was a kid.
People tell me kids are better off with crap like this, yet all I see coming from their generation are horribly entitled little shits with confidence issues living in a bubblegum world.
I call this sheltering. because the moment they get out, they can't even function in the real world. because let's face it, the real world is fucking harsh.

I'm totally against bullies but I can't support this stupid shit any longer since I've seen it become detrimental. When you're out in the real world, you have no little website to cry about it. YOU have to deal with it, it's YOUR life.

and Parents, start fucking parenting! I haven't seen a single pair of parents that discipline their children in YEARS. "Spanking kids is bad" No it's not. I know well enough that my ass needed a whooping. I'm better off because of it.

and teachers start fucking teaching. and yes that includes kicking the little shits OUT. Stop sending them to the office. That does shit all. Get parents involved or KICK them out.
Stop going to the government or fucking facebook for help. Stop trying to remove what CAN'T be removed. It human nature.

RANT OVER. I am sorry. text wall is text wall
I will leave now.
bonus anti-compliant- I had some delicious pizza today from my co-worker. thanks dewdd
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GigaPipen1407's avatar
summitstars's avatar
bless. this. post.

I mean, I totally understand if a kid is struggling with legitimate depression or something like that, that shit is serious.

But this. You are so right.
Knightster's avatar
I approve of this rant.
TheAwesomeShoeXD's avatar
To be perfectly honest, I'm grateful to bullies. They made me who I am today. I was told to be a rat, but it was always against the few morals I have, so I never did it. I got bullied a lot, mentally and physically, but as a result, I am a good fighter and a strong, independent person who doesn't need to stand behind anybody. I prefer fighting them on my own. This, of course, made me seem like the bully to adults, so they didn't like me much, either. Independence and free thinking are the enemies of the police state. They are pacifying people and making them complacent little automatons. Fragile, easily broken by any sort of oppression. If you break their ego they act like you killed their dog. It's ridicules, but it's the sad reality of the modern world. The government saw people were unhappy, so they began pacifying them and telling them everything will be okay and they will have everything they have ever wanted if they only report all suspicious activity or opposing opinion under the name "bullying". They are preventing the seed of revolution from taking sprout. If things continue like this, we will have a scenario much like that in the book 1984. Big brother is watching. So by all meas, go back to bed, America. Big brother's protecting eye will be forever on you, making things safe from "bullies" and "terrorists", making the bad guys go away. sleep tight.
MisterTurtle's avatar
Fuckin' this. I'll be honest, I'm 16 and sick of the ass-patting bullshit. Especially since I've never experienced it.
TaitRochelle's avatar
I agree with you (im only 15 so im right in the midst of all this) i swear everyone in my school (well almost everyone) is a little crybaby attention seeker, i feel everyone hates me but i just put up with it, try to be friends with people, apparently everything gets better in uni when people actually care about the same things you do, also the amount of people in my school that are so bad at school, like most people dont behave in school and get under the expected level, i just manage to get C's in some classes (which i should be getting, any higher means im above my expected level) and i get a few B's and A's, but each generation is getting dumber and dumber, misbehave in school, think its all about popularity, be bitches, and in each class over half of the class is like that, you get so sick of it when you cant learn because of everyone being dickheads, sure you get put down but what the hell you have your own life and you should live it and not worry about those people that dont care about you.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
I find not much changes, but my experience in college/uni is much more enjoyable because nobody gives a fuck about who you are or what you do.
TaitRochelle's avatar
true, but at least i doubt there would be a lot of people trying to break my expensive clarinet or whatever
Passcety's avatar
Gotta agree with you. If you want your problems completely solved, solve them yourself.

There was this one kid at our school getting picked on. She whooped the bully's ass. It was great!
And then supposedly she was suspended with the bully. :U Everyone was so pissed at that.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
Yeah I almost got the can as well! it was an after school fight as well.
So stupid, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Space-Out-Scout's avatar
Never been bullied myself, cuz I never piss anyone off, but rather make friends with em... but,
I've noticed violence and trolling (through outsmarting, usually verbally) has worked well. Bullying
happens through physicality and verbal/mental, so why not beat em at both eh?
I agree though, people who take it out on themselves kind of annoy me, cuz that is by no means
solving the problem. Self Pity is revolting actually. Gotta get that Self Confidence Up is my advice.
ExtremeCombustion's avatar
I can see where you're coming from. When I was little I was a bit of a wuss, but you get over it right?
ArtisticAxis's avatar
Yup, life moves on and on
Totally-dead's avatar
... I regret the lengths I had to go to to stop myself being bullied. And I think you have some fairly massive holes in your opinion. Do a little research into child sociology and developmental psychology. You may find it enlightening.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
No not really. :shrug:
explain how standing up and proper discipline are considered holes. of course my method for dealing doesn't work for everyone. that's not even the point.
How would you regret anything? You ended the bullying, unless you came out with some sort of life long injury. Even then, wouldn't you rather people leave you alone and respect you or have them walk all over you for the rest of your life? You still stood up for yourself. That says a lot.

and I would take every "study" with a grain of salt since it's pushing everyone to take an anti-discipline approach to parenting. Kids aren't little special snowflakes.
You don't need to over think this crap. It's not rocket science. I'm not supporting those crazy parents who spank their kids over being late for the bus either.
The only time it needs to stop is when the kid reaches an older more mature age where it would have a negative impact. But at that point he/she should be able to behave. People used to understand this.

Clearly kids these days have next to no respect for anything or anybody. I know this when I hear 9 year olds screaming "cunt faggot" or telling me to "get the fuck out of my way" in the hallways. Why?
because parents would sooner give them an iphone to shut them up over discipline, that's why. because teachers hands are tied. Teachers fear the student.
but go ahead. tell me I'm wrong. It's all opinion, this doesn't matter all that much. I'm merely ranting :shrug:
Totally-dead's avatar
The holes are mostly in generalisation of isolated phenomenon. IE really rude kids. Next would be misunderstanding what I mean by studies. I do not mean some pseudo-scientific journalistic fuckwit like supernanny doing television experiments, I mean real developmental psychologists and child sociologists who know their subjects rather than what they think their subjects should be.

I dislocated a kid`s shoulder, dragged him 30 feet scraping half the skin off his left leg and left him bleeding in front of 20 other kids as a humiliation exercise. Oh and his nose was spewing enough that it could have been dangerous if he hadn`t gotten help in time. This was because he was pretending to force my friend`s head into dog shit. A bit of a moral grey area as far as anti-bullying techniques go, no? Admittedly no-one ever troubled me again in that school, but I still feel like that was a terror tactic rather than just a way of getting someone to leave you alone.

The fact that I got away with this also ought to tell you a little about how clueless teachers are in some cases.
Pinkmitten's avatar
Sounds like the beating Ralph in Christmas Story gave to the bully.
Totally-dead's avatar
I didn`t give much of a beating. A punch to the nose about summarizes the actual beating he got. The rest was operative injury.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
I wasn't talking about just rude kids, I'm talking about all sorts of bullies. That included physical.
because right after verbal abuse bully types it goes to the fighting types. Since I'm sure you noticed that talking rarely works on some.

Indeed, but that sounds like you went overboard.
a wee bit overboard. Not to judge it though, I've been close to the same.
I think it gets the best of you, the anger and frustration.
But honestly man, sometimes you have to do it. You have to let it out.
These kids won't stop until they get a clue. Just like how a kid will touch a stove even when you say "don't it's hot". They have to learn.
It wasn't a terror act, you're blaming yourself at that point. I'm sure the school respected you in some ways for it.

and believe it or not, teachers won't do anything usually because the bully is already well known to them. They probably knew the bastard had it coming sooner than later, and you gave it to him. That's what happens when teachers aren't allowed to show any form of discipline.
I'm guessing he was a verbal/semi-physical bully?
Teachers can't do shit about that. Those types slip around the rules easily.
At least he learned to stop.
h-irsch's avatar
I think the way people handle bullying is rather idiotic. Instead of sitting there all day being filmed and telling everybody bullies are evil why not fucking help the kids who actually deal with bullying on a day to day basis? Have them visit therapists. Encourage them to be strong. Fucking any actual help will do.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
because no ones cares until you're dead. Then you're a hero.
Welcome to the wonderfully shitty and weak world of modern society.
h-irsch's avatar
Ha, true. Reminds me of underground artists. Nobody seems to care until they die in some tragic way.
XXtraPrince's avatar
1. Get through it.
2. Get over it.
3. Get revenge, by whatever means as may be available.