People who invite themselves

Ruth-Tay's avatar
I find it so enjoying and not polite. Its annoying when people think their always welcome when sometimes you just want your own quality time. I mean come on how hard is it to just ask if your welcome or not?
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MadrePappagallo's avatar
be thankful you don't live in the sims universe
vi0letdreamer's avatar
I know the feeling. I'm having a new year's party and this girl who thinks I like her but I actually don't basically told me she's coming. I can't think of a nice way to break it to her that she's not invited.
MadrePappagallo's avatar
lie to her and tell her the party is cancelled
Kirite's avatar
I know what you mean, there was this guy who kept inviting himself over to my house/eating my food/asking what is there to doooooooo. One time he decided to invited himself over, I wasn't there so nobody answered the door. For a joke/to be annoying he thought he would smack on my window with a stick to check if I was. My mom threatened to call the cops on him haha. Thing is he was my friend until he started doing stuff like that. Why are teenagers so stupid /facepalm.
RandomRobskii's avatar
Start with something like, 'mate, I love you and all, but would you mind calling before you come over?"
It's a blessing and a curse that I live more than an hour away from my friends. Means they can't just come over :D
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
How hard is it to tell the difference between your, you're, they're, there, their, its, and it's?
Ruth-Tay's avatar
If its your second language it is harder. But you're right. If I just take more time writing my posts and check my post before I post it, I should get these kind of mistakes out of my writing.
John--Vincent's avatar
It'll get better as you practice :hug:
HametsuNoCharge's avatar
Hey now hey now remember there are non-native speakers and an ungodly amount of children on this site!
TatterTotMinion's avatar
peps are just rude!
TatterTotMinion's avatar
tell them to f*ck off. Thats what i do. May make me out to be a ass, but it chases them off, lol
DanteHO's avatar
Just spot the people who do that and avoid them or don't tell them about whatever it is you'll be doing. And if it happens again, just ignore them, it's easier than it looks, and they'll leave you alone next time.
I hope this helps you, Ruthie. Kisses and/or hugs! :)
Ruth-Tay's avatar
I try that next time.
LOVEintheSNOW's avatar
Is it really that hard for you to communicate?
Ruth-Tay's avatar
Do you mean my writing or that I don't like people inviting themselfs.
LOVEintheSNOW's avatar
I mean the fact that you're unable to tell someone "no."
Ruth-Tay's avatar
Because its a friend, and don't feel like drama.
LOVEintheSNOW's avatar
That they're your friend just makes it easier :shrug:.
OmNomNomNomNomNomm's avatar
Bite them until they go away. :meow:
Ruth-Tay's avatar
I wish I could.
LightDragon777's avatar
Oh I know what you mean. I have a neighbor who just walks in unannounced, and if the doors locked he knocks on my window. D:<
That's a lady's room man! Show some respect.
We went to highschool together, he wanted to date me but I shot him down, then I said we could be friends. Friends still call first dude.

Especally as a full time college student, sometime I just dont have time for anyone including myself, god forbid I wanna spend like....1 day alone, minus cats.

Cat's are okay. They sleep on my work, good job guys, I think I will do that paper later.:dummy:
Ruth-Tay's avatar
Haha its pretty much the same situation.