Disrespectful twats

Babushka-Nipples's avatar
So me and my friend were walking around downtown last night and came upon a rather large war memorial. Vietnam to be specific. It was nice, huge, very beautiful. It was also Veteran's Day to boot too. However there were a number of skate fags just skating all over it like it was fucking nothing.

I don't care, I found that to be highly disrespectful and it's fucking Nashville for god's sakes, pretty sure you can just skate somewhere else or find a skate park. My friend felt my same sentiments. Since there were about 20 of them and two of us, we found one off from the group and talked to him about it. As usual, blows it off as if it was nothing and my friend freaks and ends up chasing them until we hit the group. One took a picture of me, dunno why but I guess my photo will be flying around the interbutts somewhere.

I began yelling at them, until they threatened us with numbers. Yes because it takes 20 people to take on 2. That's very though, hiding behind numbers. We ended up leaving but we found a state trooper and had them kicked off. :la:

Wished I could have caved in faces though, but I can't take on 19 other people. That would just be stupid. Just, fuck. On Veteran's Day too? One claimed to have a father in the military, pretty sure your pops would really appreciate you being disrespectful on a WAR MEMORIAL --- that was a pathetic-ass excuse.

I hate skateboarders.

On the plus side we ran into some very interesting people. :dummy: Not what I'm used to where I lived. But lots of bums. Lots and lots of bums. Bleugh.
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Totally-dead's avatar
I once surfed on a normandy beach. Does that count for your hatred?
You was afraid to take on 20 people? Have you never seen any Bourne movie, Matrix Movie or Steven Seagal Movie?
x666NiGhTmArE666x's avatar
Too bad there was only the two of you and not more. :/
h-irsch's avatar
It's nice to discover someone else who dislikes skateboarders as well. I swear to God that at least 90% are total idiots who have no respect for anybody besides themselves and their buddies.
Oh-Cherie-Cherie's avatar
You're a chump who's too easily offended, and I think you're a disrespectful twat for hating on bums.
TheNecco's avatar
What, the kids were just treating the statue how the troops were treated when they went back home
prosaix's avatar
Lame. Go back to listening to country music or something :lol:
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
I'll have you know I like Johnny Cash.
rockstar1009's avatar
Nearly everyone in my family served in the military; I had an aunt working in the Pentagon and an uncle who served in the Middle East during both gulf wars; my stepdad was a marine my grandpa was a Korean war vet (and my gran got with a WW2/Okinawa vet after his death). I tried to enlist as well, but asthma prevented me.

I asked my uncle how he felt about people being disrespectful to soldiers - you know, the whole protest and baby-killer slurs and skaters using war memorials as a skate park sort of thing. Nearly every soldier I've ever met gets really pissy about these things and think people should be punished, but my uncle just calmly shrugged and said that he's basically out there fighting to give them the freedom to be able to be twats and say abusive towards him and use his monuments as a playground.

True fucking hero, there. Even though my blood boils in the presence of twats like this, I just follow his example and ignore them, instead choosing to find the silver lining in their stupidity by being thankful they even have the freedom to be boorish cunts. This is a helluva great country, and it's all thanks to the soldiers who made it possible.
CrimeRoyale's avatar
I always love when people start whipping out who their parents are or who they know.

It's like... is he here? Surprise- the answer to that is also the answer to the magnificent query "Do I give a shit?"

Honestly, dude? You and your friend probably could've taken them.
Ieighton's avatar
The one near where I used to live has no names on it anymore; they were engraved on some form of copper sheeting and metal thieves hacked it off and stole it
Ieighton's avatar
It happens across the country, but then one of these thieving scum has their skull blown off partially while trying to steal metal wiring from a train line and we're supposed to feel sympathy towards them
Ieighton's avatar

This guy got half his face melted and would've only made like £50 out of the theft anyway.

But when they're doing things like [link] and [link] it's kind of hard to feel sorry for them.
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
Yeah that's not okay.
WilderGothica's avatar
Rude little shits. Of course losers like that would rather fight you than admit you're right.
EmoPizza's avatar
Damn kids. Damn bums. Damn kid bums.
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
shit on their faces
EmoPizza's avatar
Faces in their shits.
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
Is when one would like to go around packing guns and when the things go heated, start shooting them in the balls, to make sure they cannot reproduce. But no, the old wild west days are gone... shit

Just joking. Teenagers..., not all of them are like that, but the ones that are disrespectful are disrespectful as hell
kitsumekat's avatar
That's when you start knifing them.