Complaints has over 2,000,000 posts

MisterTurtle's avatar
Which is more than HWL and Praise combined. Go figure.

Teal deers: Other bronies are idiots, I'm afraid about wasting my opportunities in college, my parents are fighting, and rations are low.

So. Without further ado.

One, people bitching and saying the season 3 premiere of MLPFiM was terrible. You are both wrong and have unnaturally high standards for a children's cartoon. Yes, King Sombra got less screen time than your average Yu-gi-Oh villain (not including Kaiba or that british dude), but it was a solid episode. Maybe it helped to watch it in a group, but in essence it was another well-animated, charming episode.

But since the majority of you have no interest in ponies, perhaps some college-app angst is what you need. Truth is, I'm scared and I have yet to even start, mostly because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. The arts are a suicidal path of no success, so that's scrapped. I'm sort of leaning towards being a teacher since that means that I can be smart and boss around idiot kids all day, but the pay is miserable because I'd be a professional union worker (how does that make sense). Also, I don't know what I want to teach. Definitely something I can reuse if I decide to stop teaching, so scratch the arts and English. And don't even get me started on payment. Though my plan is to pay for classes by class, not by semester (good tip, Ma!). I also cannot join the military, as I have Type 1 Diabetes.

Also my parents have been fighting recently, and I have no idea why. It sorta came outa left field and I'm unsure as to why they have been going at it so, not to mention up until like 2 in the morning. Blurgh.

Also also, I have no lunch money and we're pretty short on lunch food. :saddummy:
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Sol9000's avatar
MisterTurtle's avatar
Sol9000's avatar
Knightster's avatar
Complaints in the essence: FUCK ALL TH THINGS!
MisterTurtle's avatar
Sometimes literally.
Buniis's avatar
Baww people don't like episodes I like. :l
MisterTurtle's avatar
It's chronic I tell you. People hate Mysterious Maredowell but love Nightmare Night.
Buniis's avatar
Okay? o.0 This is the first I've heard of this but okay.
BandiHill3258's avatar
Not being a dick, but I actually saw a complaint complaing about a complaint.

ShadowMaker-241's avatar
I've seen one complaining about the whole complaints section.
MisterTurtle's avatar
I've seen those too.
RandomRobskii's avatar
You know, I never even noticed that about the YuGiOh villains...
MisterTurtle's avatar
Freaky fish guy and Bandit Keith have very little.
RandomRobskii's avatar
Freaky fish guy was a villain? :lol:
MisterTurtle's avatar
I forget his name. Mako something.
RandomRobskii's avatar
Mako Tsunami. :lol:
They weren't too creative..
cherrimilk's avatar
Mai Valentine.
Tea Gardner?
I just---No. No, they were not. xD
RandomRobskii's avatar
My favourite part was having names like Joey, Marik and Serenity in amongst Seto, Yugi, Bakura and Mokuba. :lol:
GMan313's avatar
This complaint would have been Grade-A if you didn't include ponies in it. I would have even made a non-shitty post in it.

But alas, I deem this complaint shit and your problems completely irrelevant in today's modern world.

I hope your parents stop fighting, though.