Jim Carrey

Raichupa's avatar
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CrimeRoyale's avatar
Sorry. I enjoyed Ace Ventura and The Mask far too much to pass up on meeting the guy.
GodofDarness18's avatar
and here was me wanting to show you a video with him posing as Lady GaGa
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
He and I would be the best of friends.
TheLightsWentOutIn99's avatar
I liked his work in Cable Guy. Bruce Almighty was so-so. Every other movie I've seen with him has been worsened by his presence.
Raichupa's avatar
I liked him in the cable guy too. And he was pretty good in a series of unfortunate events (seeing as he was supposed to play somebody creepy)
TheLightsWentOutIn99's avatar
I forgot about Series of Unfortunate Events. He did do a good job in that one.
x666NiGhTmArE666x's avatar
He's funny, weird, and crazy. It's awesome! Though, I understand why your opinion is what it is.
Bumsy's avatar
Story time: A friend of my mum's friend went on holiday and visited one of the Hollywood Movie Studios. As they were taking a tour, a man wearing a mask, a blood-splattered apron and wielding a knife ran towards them, screamed some incoherent stuff and then ran away again. It later turned out that it was Jim Carrey on his lunch break. :lol:
Apricots-from-Nara's avatar
Now I want to meet him even more.
Raichupa's avatar
Oh lord.
That sounds REALLY scary XD
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
he follows me on twitter. :fear:
Raichupa's avatar
that's frightening. I'd block him if I were you.
Benjamin-Biddix's avatar
nah. I don't use twitter anymore anyway....forgot that password.
Raichupa's avatar
Pinkmitten's avatar
Elmida's avatar
I fucking hate Jim Carrey and his annoying cartoon face.
Mattyohh's avatar
I hate the vast majority of his movies, there are some exceptions where his insanity adds brilliance to the movie. Other than that he seems like he's just a pretty solid all round guy.
CoronusTheTerminator's avatar
Jim Carrey rocks your undeserving hole.
Raichupa's avatar
Not saying he sucks. Saying he's frightening.
TurkEvulture's avatar
I miss the old Jim Carrey. Well, sort of.
3wyl's avatar
I think he's pretty amazing. :B
MadrePappagallo's avatar
this complaint sucks, next time put more effort into it.
Raichupa's avatar
I wasn't trying to put effort into it, and thus I don't care that it sucks.