Why Can't Some People Just Take Compliments?

PoetBoi's avatar
I mean, we all know that one person who has to make everything a hardship.

"You look good today."
"Oh no, when I left the house I looked like shit, you're just saying that to be nice; Don't pity me, asshole!"

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JeweledScarab's avatar
In Japan, it's extremely rude to say 'thank you' to compliments given to you. You're supposed to say "oh no, I'm not <whatever the hell you complimented them on>" or "No no I have a long way to go."
zodiacgal's avatar
Because humans are stupid.
benji-0's avatar
Maybe it's because they're full of self loathing (like me) and find it difficult to understand why people would pay them a complement because they believe themselves undeserving
PoetBoi's avatar
You need self-esteem. *nodnod*
HorrificSensation's avatar
Svataben's avatar
People are insecure, not to mention how it's pretty much considered a virtue (especially for women) to be self-deprecating. When someone says "You look good in that dress." Most are raised to answer along the lines of "Oh no, this old thing is just what I had in the closet." no matter the frantic shopping and grooming that led up to it.

We're not supposed to agree that we look good. That would make us shallow and up ourselves.
IheartWaffies's avatar
I would've slapped that person in the face,

"Fuck you you bitch!"
PoetBoi's avatar
I wanted to, but my morals held my hand and said no.

Fuck you, morals.
IheartWaffies's avatar
That's because morals don't even begin to describe how awesome I am. If you are awesome, then fuck morals! Shoot them in the head and leave.
Mod-a-holic's avatar
Reply with the exact words they threw at you and prepare to laugh. many will be offended by their own word

They:"No I looked like shit :("
You:"Well fine then, you look like shit"

Makes live much more enjoyable.
3wyl's avatar
Just make things awkward if you compliment, though some take it well, I guess.
Spudfuzz's avatar
I can't take compliments that are just pre-programmed lines. :shakefist:
Mattyohh's avatar
I don't need compliments i'm already aware of how good I am.
MasterPlanner's avatar
Stop talking to attention whores, it worked for me.
MadrePappagallo's avatar
stop talking to people while they're on the rag.
SpookyInk's avatar
Compliment me. :flirty:
PoetBoi's avatar
[monotone]You're beautiful and creative and I'd like to see you with your clothes off.[/monotone]

Am... Am I doing it right..? :c
SpookyInk's avatar
Add a wink and its golden.
Alic Rickman would be proud.
Redfoxbennington's avatar
Maybe you should meet nicer people.
Babushka-Nipples's avatar
Don't forget the:

A: Wow you look great
CrimeRoyale's avatar
Yeah I bet you'd hold the door for her too, huh you sick fuck?
Ieighton's avatar
check out this photo of my new hairstyle oh no am i showing cleavage for no reason how unintentional don't hit on me you silly boys~