Beautiful Human Bird In Flight Off The Cliff Top (avoiding the sun, of course.)

Steve-Romantica's avatar
I am trying to make a pair of man wings out of metal so I can simulate a bird in flight after leaping from a local cliff top. The trouble is, as I am am banging and screwing, my neighbour keeps knocking on the wall and I cannot concentrate.
I really want to fly like a bird with my metal wings but my neighbour is hindering my progress.
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divine--apathia's avatar
SkyFire2008's avatar
"The trouble is, as I am am banging and screwing, my neighbour keeps..."

And your neighbor is like: "What's he building in there? What the hell is he building in there?" [link]
Kinrift's avatar
Have you seen the plushies?
Steve-Romantica's avatar
Looks a little like the bastarding neighbour. How did you know?
Kinrift's avatar
Trolls like you have inflation fetishist neighbours, of course! :la:
Steve-Romantica's avatar
I am not a troll, thank you very nicely.
Kinrift's avatar
Of course you aren't, sweetpea. :pat:
Art-Snob-Solutions's avatar
You should see the plushies.
MasterPlanner's avatar
Make sure you don't fly too close to the sun or your wings will melt :nod:
MooglePirate9's avatar
Sounds like Icarus part two.
Steve-Romantica's avatar
Indeed. Both Icarus and I are both mythical figures.
LegendarySuperman's avatar
Man, whenever I'm banging and screwing, my neighbors always get pissed too. It's not my fault I know how to show a lady a good time.
prosaix's avatar
Be reasonable!

cake-fiend's avatar
I miss that guy, where did he go?
prosaix's avatar
He's the OP... sort of.
Steve-Romantica's avatar
DoctorOWL's avatar
Damn my hair looks awesome today. You guys should all be proud to have such a handsome doctor.
timmy64's avatar
We are.

Now prescribe me more Valium before I become lucid again.
DoctorOWL's avatar
I'll have to give you a physical first. :eyes:
LaEmperatrizMariana's avatar
You should learn from Icarus and Daedalus. :nod: