I do not give a fuck.

XtcOverdose's avatar
I do not give a single fuck about your petty little problems so please stop bringing them up in conversations because I'm having a seriously hard time pretending I actually care. You don't want to do this that and the other because blah blah blah? Then don't fucking do it, it's not like this shit is a life changing decision,

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PenSolo's avatar
Ayo shut the fuck up and suck on my fingers.
threwthedoor's avatar
>I don't give a fuck about your petty little problems
>Posted in the complaints board

Contradictions like this should be powerful enough to warp reality or something, I dunno.
RookieOwl's avatar
Why you are in complains forum then?
GaussianCat's avatar
You are right, you don't give a single fuck.

You give many.
0rg's avatar
Bytestream's avatar
Then leave complaints
Penhuin's avatar
I got pizza today.
TheStickEmperor's avatar
You know that saying that you don't give a fuck or even getting the thought of it in your mind clearly means that you do, right? :bucktooth:
Requiemachina's avatar
watch your writing.
-"...I do not give a single fuck about your petty little problems..."

>pathetic, and ironic.

why should we care? :la:
XtcOverdose's avatar
Most people on this thread seem to be under the impression that I'm asking them to care and that I do in fact give a fuck about this persons problems, I assure you neither of these statements are true and from here on out will cease to give a fuck about any more comments pointing out how much of a whiny, pathetic, bitchy person I am.
Requiemachina's avatar
Should have re-worded it though.
'Twas not understood by most.
XtcOverdose's avatar
Yeah I'm shitty at wording xDD
saxeh's avatar
But fuck is good .
Kiryuin-Satsuki's avatar
So this is what a hipster thread looks like
XtcOverdose's avatar
I'm a hipster?!
XtcOverdose's avatar
I was so confused xDD I love your icon btw
elrotram's avatar
This is the ultimate hipster thread, dude.
Kiryuin-Satsuki's avatar
I feel as if were about to enter another level of hipster within this current hipster thread. Scary, what if we can't get back.
elrotram's avatar
We will forever be forced to wear coke-bottle glasses and say we did things before they were cool.
siegeonthorstadt's avatar
id like to recieve a fuck. too bad youre not giving
line-melte's avatar
Ask your god to give you one. :meow: