You fucking slut!

Kattykitkat's avatar

Okay let me get this straight;

Knowing all the shit I've had to put up with lately, you KNOWINGLY talk to someone you know is going to be offended by what you say, and tell them I told you they hate you? Er what? No, I didn't. I didn't say ANYTHING of the sort. I said they thought you were mad at them. That's not at all like "He hates you". At all. I have conversations to prove it, bitch, and guess what? I did.

I had to actually screenshot this conversation to convince this guy I wasn't lying about what was actually said. ARGH.

Not only that, but considering you have devoted so long to bashing girls who pose in their underwear [especially underage ones; like you] in photos for myspace and bebo, but then you do it yourself? Seriously, a picture of you in your knickers? What the fuck do you think your playing at? Isn't that like BORDERLINE ILLEGAL? Is this a cry for attention? AS IF YOU DON'T GET ENOUGH FUCKING ATTENTION ALREADY.

Everyone I know who's ever met you who's my friend has managed to spot your two-faced bitchness within seconds of meeting you. My older sister only had to speak to you for two minutes on msn before deducing [she has an A level in psychology] that you are a complete fake.

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G00ders's avatar
Why is your Wony wearing Santas hat?
Amforsythe's avatar
I hate the word slut being used like that.

She's just an idiot.

And I agree - anonymous envelope - show the parents the pictures. :nod: Make sure to have a typed brief saying where they can be found at so they don't think she's a "victim" of photoshopping.
Kattykitkat's avatar
I've explained this in previous replies, it's not just the pictures.

She also goes around getting off with people she doesnt like who have boyfriends.

She's just like that.
XSunbeamX's avatar
How does underwear posing make her a slut? It's not like she was even fully naked. I'm not defending what she did, I'm just saying don't throw around the word "slut" so freely.
Kattykitkat's avatar
No, but she does get off with people she doesnt even like and say over and over again how much she really wants sex.

Gozer-The-Destroyor's avatar
NightIce's avatar
Popcorn, anybody?
Mrlime03's avatar

yep, not much has changed.
Red--Roses's avatar
whats wrong with posing in your undies:O
when i was a kid i ran about nude, when i was a teen i ran about in my undies, now im an adult i still do it.

it doesnt make you a slut silly.
Kattykitkat's avatar
She goes around getting off with people she doesnt like.

She got with a boy who had a girlfriend a few weeks ago. Knowing he had a girlfriend.

She's not a slut eh?
Red--Roses's avatar
lots of peopel do that:O
Yurae's avatar
But you don't take pictures of you in said undies and post them all over the internet, do you?
Red--Roses's avatar
i take it you havent seen my gallery. hahaha!
but i do that because i like the composition
LoboSabio's avatar
Ah, drama. Such a lovely thing to watch.
KageSan17's avatar
Give her Myspace to one of the chans, and watch hilarity ensue.
theleaveshaveeyes's avatar
I had a picture of me with no pants on on my Myspace, but it was more silly than sexy.
PearlHeart's avatar
ouch... she sounds like my ex, shes a head wreck. anyhow although i normally am i a philosopher and by mortal law supposed to go 'grrr' at the mention of psychology. you sister rocks very much.
Mediajo's avatar
those comments...ouch
Inkyluca's avatar
Print out the pics and give them to the parents.

And then run.:nod:
Krylanna's avatar
Seconded. And before the inevitable "I can't get pics to her parents without her finding out who it was," an anonymous manila envelope shoved under the door of the office at school works too.
Francine1991's avatar
:no: Never mind. Seek solace in the fact that you're not an idiot slut, and fakes will always end up being found out.
Kattykitkat's avatar
Yep, eventually.

Thing is no one ever sees it until she's got them in trouble.

She's the typical 'stunning blonde', & shes actually very good at pretending to be a nice person.
draumstafur's avatar
Your sister is very smart :nod:
The girl you're talking about is a bitch.
Oh,and give us :iconevidenceplz:, because pedobear needs a new victim :lol: